How is lennie powerless

Unfortunately, despite a need for companionship, people set up barriers that maintain loneliness, and they sustain those barriers by being inhumane to each other. One barrier is based on gender: The bunkhouse is a male world, where women are not to be trusted.

While Curley's wife is always looking for attention, Curley's jealousy causes all the hands to stay away from her. Although Curley's wife is often portrayed as cruel and troublesome and therefore, we can see why she is left alone , the real thing that isolates her is that she is a female in an all-male world. Race is another barrier. Crooks, for example, must occupy a room in the stable alone, and he is not welcome in the bunkhouse. For Candy, the barriers are age and handicap.

He is afraid that, when he is too old to work, he will be thrown out on the ash heap, a victim of a society that does not value age and discriminates against handicaps. Steinbeck's characters are often the underdogs, and he shows compassion toward them throughout the body of his writings.

Powerlessness takes many forms — intellectual, financial, societal — and Steinbeck touches on them all. Although Lennie is physically strong and would therefore seem to represent someone of power, the only power Lennie possesses is physical. Because of his mental handicap and his child-like way of perceiving the world, he is powerless against his urges and the forces that assail him.

For example, he knows what it is to be good, and he doesn't want to be bad, but he lacks the mental acuity that would help him understand and, therefore, avoid the dangers that unfold before him.

The three characters Crooks, George, and Lennie crusade dealing with own ways of loneliness and isolation. I shall be writing about the theme of loneliness in the book of mice and men. There are a lot of themes in the story but I choose loneliness.

Many characters for example Candy and George give examples of loneliness. I would also write about the effect of loneliness had on them.

John Steinbeck wrote a novel called of Mice and Men 3 characters George, Curleys wife and Crooks are involved to prove The theme of failure of the american dream. They all have something they want to achieve by either escaping from something or doing something but they all fail to do so.

First John Steinbeck uses George, George came from a small town called Weed with his mentally impaired friend Lennie who is large and massive and looks like a normal person but has the mind of a child,so George looks out for Lennie since he can 't do it on his own. This quote shows that Candy is pretty close with Lennie and George since he is a part of their ultimate dream, and goal.

In the book Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck, he writes about two men one named Lennie and one named George having a dream, but is ruined through the troubles of Lennie 's doings. In that era all migrant workers preferably work alone, but with George and Lennie they stick together because Lennie is a more challenged person so he doesn 't know his wrong doings which causes lots of trouble for George.

On page 94, one of the most significant passages is written on having a dialogue between George and Candy about how they were unable to get the farm because Lennie had ruined their chances of getting it. Steinbeck creates a motif of loneliness through the different characters he writes about, ties in different strands of the story to make one storyline, and foreshadows events to come.

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After Montano and Cassie…. He might have not been able to fully address his final ideology to his admirers and to the world, but he have been able to show the real meaning of being a human.

People liked him regardless of his mistakes when he figures them out. Malcolm set a very good example of the human mind and soul development throughout the course of his life. He was also able to convince people with his beliefs regardless of their accuracy with his great charisma, when he discovers that most his beliefs were inaccurate he does not hesitate to let his followers know neglecting the danger associating with his confessions.

George was loyal to Lennie in every way possible, even when he yelled or put hands on him for what he was doing. In the end, George had no choice left but to make a sacrifice in order to live peacefully. Lennie was given a number of chances though he takes advantage of them wrongfully yet involuntarily.

What George did to live a better and peaceful life was the ethical and proper thing to…. What this quote snippet shows is how Atticus loves and accepts everyone. Unlike most other people in Maycomb, Atticus respects people of color and does not treat them badly. He understands that it shows how poor a person if they call people bad names and teaches this to Scout.


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