People with this condition will need to be on medication for the rest of their life. Down syndrome is pass through family genetically. People with down syndrome has 47 pair of chromosomes instead of 46 so in this case they have an extra chromosome. The extra chromosome attach itself in another chromosome. Translocation can happen and this is when the chromosome is rearranging parts between chromosomes. As Ben suffers from two conditions he would have to undergo another test that determined whether he is a sufferer of the type 2 diabetes or not.
This test involves checking the blood for the amount of glucose that the individuals have or simply a urine test would determine if the individuals have a type 2 diabetes. Ben has likely had a type 2 diabetes as his glucose intake is higher than average.
A specialist or a nutritionist will specialise in this field after Ben have visited his GP. People with down syndrome will be offered help from a health care specialist. The prognosis for Ben is he will remain having down syndrome for the rest of his life as it is genetic inheritance.
On the other hand, for type 2 diabetes he would have been given an insulin to reduce the glucose in his blood but because of the criticism he receives from the manager of the local fair Ben is not following his diet specially schedule for his type 2 diabetes so therefore his glucose is unstable and could be dangerous as he could die from it eventually if he continues to eat unhealthy. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Moderate learning disabilities are considered to be when a person finds everyday living activities like dressing up, going to the toilet or daily chores more complicated. They may also find it hard to express their feeling as they only have basic language skills.
They are more likely to show serious delay in reaching developmental milestones. Many people with moderate learning disabilities will have difficulties with the length of time for which they can concentrate on activities and generally transferring their knowledge across also with processing input from more than one sense at a time.
Severe and profound learning disabilities are examined to be when an individual may have very basic language skills and will perhaps communicate through gestures rather than words. People with severe and profound learning disabilities will need a high level of support and will usually have more than one disability that requires help.
Patients with this additional disability will have self-injurious behaviour, hearing impairment, emotional disturbances and sight problems.
They will depend on others for basic needs such as feeding and toileting and may have associated behavioural problems. They will have few communicating skills and therefore will not have control with their communicative intentions. Diagnosis is detection of the nature of an illness or other problems by examining the symptoms.
For e. This helps to guide the doctor to get an understanding of what is going inside the body and how well the body is functioning or if it has been affected by cancer.
Blood tests cannot tell whether you have cancer or other conditions. The samples could show cancer cells, proteins or other substances made by the cancer. People with this condition usually find it challenging to multi-task and maintain their concentration. If a child is distracting in class, then you know the child has ADHD as they find it hard to concentrate and multi-task.
Firstly, if the parent sees the sigh of dyspraxia they could go to their local GP and get a doctor to have a look at the child. They may refer the child to another professional who can help arrange an assessment. This could be:. Other doctors such as a Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician or a Paediatric Neurologist may be involved with this process.
The holistic development of children means that they have opportunities to take risks and challenge themselves when encountering new experiences. Children, including those with additional needs, should be supported to assess their own risks. Instead of eliminating all risks, children should be encouraged to consider the risks associated with different activities.
Childcare workers are able to do this by asking open-ended questions to encourage children to assess risks themselves, e. Dylai lleoliadau fod yn hyblyg ac yn sensitif ac yn awyrgylch cynhwysol a chefnogol sy'n croesawu plant ag anghenion ychwanegol.
Mae diagnosis ac ymyrraeth gynnar yn bwysig. Os caiff blentyn ymyrraeth gynnar, e. Ar adegau, gall hyn arwain at blant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn cael eu hargymell neu eu hatal rhag mentro. Weithiau, mae rhieni neu ofalwyr yn teimlo bod eu plant mewn mwy o berygl o niwed oherwydd eu hanghenion ychwanegol. Mae cynnal cofnod asesiad risg yn helpu gweithwyr gofal plant i fod yn ymwybodol o'r hyn y mae angen iddynt ei wneud i gadw pob plentyn yn ddiogel.
Mae angen ystyried pa addasiadau sydd angen eu gwneud er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn gallu cymryd rhan lawn ym mhob gweithgaredd a gynigir. Mae gan gweithwyr gofal plant ddyletswydd gofal i sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd yn addas ac yn ddiogel ar gyfer pob plentyn beth bynnag yw eu hanghenion. Mae datblygiad cyfannol plant yn golygu eu bod yn cael cyfleoedd i fentro a herio eu hunain wrth ddod ar draws profiadau newydd. Dylai plant, gan gynnwys y rhai ag anghenion ychwanegol, gael eu cefnogi i asesu risgiau eu hunain.
Mae gweithwyr gofal plant yn gallu gwneud hyn drwy ofyn cwestiynau penagored er mwyn annog plant i asesu risgiau eu hunain, e. Hint 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Awgrymiadau 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. It is important to note that no two children with additional needs are the same. Each child has his or her individual strengths and talents as well as their specific needs.
As a result, it is important that they are treated as individuals, even if they have similar needs. It is important to ensure that it is the individual who is recognized and supported, rather than their condition and needs. The child should be involved in planning to meet their needs, bearing in mind that needs may change quickly. The medical model of disability looks at what is wrong with the child rather than what the child needs to meet their needs.
It considers improving or managing the illness or disability and investing resources in healthcare related services in order to do so. The medical model views disability as a tragedy, and as a result services offer screening during pregnancy to identify potential disabilities. In the past, children with disabilities were sent to institutions so that they could not be 'cured' away from the eyes of society.
Later, children were sent to special schools rather than mainstream schools. It is clear now that these children have been wronged in the education system, because expectations are low. The social model of disability takes into account the order of society. It considers how society introduces obstacles, e.
Removing these barriers gives people with disabilities equal opportunities. It gives them the opportunity to be more independent and gives them more choice and control over their lives. This model promotes the idea that each individual has needs and also strengths, skills and preferences. It provides an inclusive environment as a starting point for all children and believes that the environment, behaviour, curriculum and resources are the 'problem' rather than the child.
The result of this approach is that children who would have been educated in a particular institution are now being taught in the mainstream. In following this model, professionals focus on identifying the needs and taking steps to improve the disabled person's situation. This model considers disabled people as those who are suffering because of their circumstances and that people should feel for them. This refers to the attitude of some people who believe that individuals are morally responsible for their own disability.
For example, the disability can be seen as the result of poor parental actions. This model allows the disabled person and their family to decide on the treatment and services they wish to receive. This turns the professional into a service provider whose role is to offer guidance and deliver the disabled person's decisions. The model 'empowers' the individual to achieve their own goals.
Negative social attitudes and values towards children with additional needs can affect equality, diversity and inclusion. Adults may do certain things for children because they do not consider them capable of doing it for themselves. One example is feeding a child with additional needs rather than letting them feed themselves. The childcare worker may think that this is best for the child, but limits his or her opportunities to gain the confidence to do things for himself.
More experienced staff should challenge such discrimination and negative attitudes to ensure that children with additional needs have the same opportunities as other children. Positive attitudes towards children with additional needs and their families are essential. It is important that the child's needs are considered holistically, rather than being defined by their needs. We need to make sure that everyone who provides support for the child and their family understands their rights, and that each family has its own needs and circumstances.
Legislation has brought about significant changes in the way individuals with learning disabilities or autism are supported. The Equality Act has ensured that individuals' attitudes have changed and that individuals are treated fairly. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child lists the rights of all children and young people. The rights on the list ensure the safety of children and ensures that they have the things they need to survive and develop and have their say on decisions that affect their lives.
A child's additional needs can influence other people's views, stereotypical assumptions and expectations. Children with additional needs often face stereotyping and prejudice for different reasons.
For example, a child may suffer from stereotyping because they are on the autistic spectrum. A childcare worker may decide that the child is unable to participate in a group activity because of communication difficulties. It is important that childcare workers have a good understanding of the condition, remembering that it affects children in a variety of ways.
Experienced childcare workers should model this and challenge any discrimination towards children with additional needs. Some believe that a child with a disability will not grow up to be able to live an independent life. The focus tends to be on their disability rather than their ability.
As a result, expectations can be low. The situation is improving although some families report having to fight for equal rights to education for their children. It is important that childcare workers work in a way that promotes positive perceptions and attitudes of children with additional needs. Appreciating and listening to the views of children with additional needs encourages other children to see them as active participants. Equipment, photos, books and activities at the setting should reflect children with additional needs in a positive way, e.
Positive images help to promote positive perceptions of children with additional needs. Every child needs to have the feeling of being proud of who they are. For example, children who wear glasses must see images of other children wearing them. It is vital that childcare workers challenge any discrimination on the basis of additional needs, e.
Mae'n bwysig nodi nad yw unrhyw ddau blentyn ag anghenion ychwanegol yr un fath. O ganlyniad, mae'n bwysig iddynt gael eu trin fel unigolion, hyd yn oed os oes ganddynt anghenion tebyg. Yn ddiweddarach, roedd plant yn cael eu hanfon i ysgolion arbennig yn hytrach nag ysgolion prif lif. Mae'n ystyried sut mae cymdeithas yn achosi rhwystrau, e. Canlyniad y dull yma yw bod plant a fyddai wedi cael eu haddysgu mewn sefydliad arbennig, nawr yn cael eu haddysgu yn y prif lif.
Mae agweddau a gwerthoedd cymdeithasol negyddol tuag at blant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn gallu effeithio ar gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Un enghraifft yw bwydo plentyn ag anghenion ychwanegol yn hytrach na gadael iddo fwydo ei hun. Mae'n bwysig bod anghenion y plentyn yn cael eu hystyried yn gyfannol, yn hytrach na chael eu diffinio gan ei anghenion.
Yn sgil deddfwriaeth, bu newidiadau sylweddol yn y ffordd y caiff unigolion ag anableddau dysgu neu awtistiaeth eu cefnogi. Mae'r Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb wedi sicrhau bod agweddau unigolion wedi newid a bod unigolion yn cael eu trin yn deg. Mae anghenion ychwanegol plentyn yn gallu dylanwadu ar farn, tybiaethau ystrydebol a disgwyliadau pobl eraill. Mae plant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn aml yn wynebu stereoteipio a rhagfarn am wahanol resymau.
Er enghraifft, mae plentyn yn gallu dioddef stereoteipio oherwydd ei fod ar y sbectrwm awtistig. Dylai gweithwyr gofal plant profiadol fodelu hyn a herio unrhyw wahaniaethu tuag at blant ag anghenion ychwanegol.
Mae rhai yn credu na fydd plentyn ag anabledd yn tyfu i allu byw bywyd annibynnol. O ganlyniad i hyn, mae disgwyliadau yn gallu bod yn isel. Mae gwerthfawrogi a gwrando ar safbwyntiau plant sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol yn annog plant eraill i'w gweld fel cyfranogwyr gweithredol. Dylai cyfarpar, lluniau, llyfrau a gweithgareddau yn y lleoliad adlewyrchu plant ag anghenion ychwanegol mewn ffordd bositif, e.
Mae delweddau positif yn helpu i hybu canfyddiadau cadarnhaol o blant ag anghenion ychwanegol. Mae angen i bob plentyn gael y teimlad o fod yn falch o bwy ydynt. Hint 4: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Awgrymiadau 4: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Be patient with yourself and others it takes time — even your difficult feelings do not take away from how much you love your child.
Even when feel you have been coping for a while there can be bumps in the road. These can cause the difficult feelings to flare up again. Be kind to yourself ask for help when you are struggling and recognise you are doing your best in a difficult situation.
Your child may need to be referred to other services for assessment or may already be under the care of specialists and receiving support. Each child is unique and their needs will vary. It can be hard to know what help is out there.
There is so much information online it can be overwhelming.