Why ifc has commercials

This is really bad news - first all the dopey half hour "comedy" shows they air all the time, now this. Goodbye, IFC. Location: Texas, USA. That's a shame! Texastoyz , Dec 8, Daniel Plainview , Dec 8, Location: Ohio.

Oh well, they were showing way too much of the same shows and movies anyways. Another one bites the dust. Is anything left that is sacred? Jesus, the radio station that I work for had a radiothon for a local charity last week and I was sick that they had actually sold the toll-free line to call and donate, to a damn car dealer.

Just how sick did you think I felt, giving out that toll-free number and having to lay the sponsor on it, each and every time? Great for the car dealer, I realize, but a huge sell-out from our listeners stand point, I'm sure?

Chris C. Chris C , Dec 8, Location: US. Who knows where IFC is headed? Does anyone remember when BRAVO showed nothing but independent, classic and art films, and arts-related documentaries Ghostworld , Dec 8, JohnG , Dec 8, Location: Moscow, Idaho. I just discovered the IFC change last night. Bad enough to have commercials at all, but the two in a row that I saw were the kind of low-budget, amateurish crap that targets dunces.

Talk about adding insult to injury. That was a great channel. Beginning October 11, a new Tuesday night series will be promoted on that night, with movie clips that will be customized for the winery.

At the end of the film, another promo will do the same for a title to air the following week. In addition, IFC will create weekly episodic tune-in for the Tuesday night show. IFC also airs what it says are short films, which are also linked up with marketers' messages. Like many media sellers, IFC says its new marketing efforts are a way to help advertisers who fear fast-forwarding of commercials by digital video recorders.

Toggle navigation. Free to qualified media, marketing and advertising professionals. Then, it happened again — an entire scene that I had been anticipating, was just not there. I can watch shite on regular tv, for free, and download something when I need a few hours of quality viewing to relax. The commercials are bad enough, but how dare you cut up good films? IFC was adamant about not censoring the movies themselves. How unfortunate it is.

IFC now officially drops to its knees in prostration. Since I never saw the movie I have no idea whether or not anything was censored but I sure as hell got the flow of the movie messed up by all those ads. We get ads on IFC. I know there are far more important things in the world but this fucking sucks eggs. I used to be a fan of your network. But since you sold yourself Out for commercials and edited content I will never watch your channel again.

Hoping you go out of business real soon. I am sick of adverts and never watch them cause I tape everything to fast forward through it. Wasted money IMO.. I am so sock of being inundated everywhere with them. Well, add the Sundance Channel to the list of channels interrupting movies with commercials. Completely killed the flow of the film. It only happend every 30 minutes or so but it still ruined it for me.

One idea in response to this would be an outright boycott of anything advertised on IFC. It was a sad day when I saw the first commercials on this channel, but things have gotten progressively worse as time has gone by. They are showing fewer and fewer truly Indy films and are instead bombarding us with poorly edited crap that you can find anywhere.

It also pisses me off that they originally claimed to be looking into ads that catered to their demographic but instead now show the same asinine commercials that you see on regular network TV. The worst, in my opinion, being the one for Free Credit Score, a site that is known for being a scam and using deceptive business practices to bilk people out of money. Maybe they can team up to become even more adept at ripping people off…. Nothing breaks the mood and makes me start channel surfing that a ineptly placed ad just at before, after or during an important part of thee film when continuity is apex in keeping a suspension-of-disbelief… Then POW!

A diaper or Med-Aleret ad…. Was flipping through the channels tonight and as usual, not a goddamn thing on worth watching, when suddenly I saw Blood Simple was on IFC in 15 minutes. Getting excited, I got some snacks and sat down. Since when does IFC have commercials? I looked it up on the internet. Since December 18th, apparently.

I mean, why do they think people are canceling their cable subscriptions for things like Netflix, Huluplus, or my personal favorite, torrent downloads? Is it because maybe these formats offer more to watch for less money and no ads? I hope everyone stops watching IFC and I hope their company withers and dies.

Maybe then the corporate executives will realize the price of selling their souls, and at least the former fans could have a little karmic justice for their betrayal. I really think it sucks too!!! All in all were paying more on our bill and getting less out of it…….. Billy C. Once my contract is up with directv. And uncensored? Yeah right. I was watching The Piano and noticed a nude scene cut down like any other movie channel. Whitest Kids you know left at a good time.

They may have some good shows, but none of them are actually theirs. Hopefully Showtime will buy them off and make their own independent channel. PLUS even if I do want to watch an interesting movie, commercial free I have to pay almost 10 bucks on there demand channel. Go to Hell IFC! Movies are edited now. Kinky Boots was on over the weekend. What the H?!?!!? IFC Isnt edited, it just has commercials. AMC is edited and commercials.

Either way, it sucks. I rarely watch either channel now, and they used to be my favorites. I am so pissed. I was unemployed for a while and downgraded my cable, losing my beloved IFC in the process. Now I have gotten my IFC back, hooray!

Wait a minute!!!! But some minutes in, a commercial break. So I go online and find the story. Goodbye IFC!. Malcolm in the Middle? Garbage big budget Hollywood horror movies? IFC used to play top line material and be the source for what was fresh and new.

Who bought them out has wiped there ass with the brand. Fire the assholes that have taken over IFC, or post complaints on the websites of the companies now destroying the movies with their advertising.

If they get a load of bad press on the same page next to their websites they may get the idea that screwing up Ifc is a bad idea. Encourage boycotting their products. Now there are no really good independent movie venue with the exception of going to the movies. I also remember years ago when Bravo used to play great independent films with no commercials, oh though it was only on the air from 8pm to 6am daily. Now that channels is total shit as well. I will now watch IFC again, unless they stop showing commercials in the middle of a movie.

It is a shame they had to change the way movies were shown. I have a Flat Screen T. For a Reason! I do not wish to be connected to the internet all the time, I still enjoy sitting on my couch in front of my tv as do I still enjoy reading an actual news paper and I like too get ink on my hands, because IT IS REAL. There is a big difference in tv watching and watching stuff on the internet.

Or will Iever pay itunes for anything. Just use ur cable guide for a one week period to see the crap they run. Standard Hollywood junk that u could find on other cable channels. Just part of the dumbing down of America. I hope u all die long, painful, debilitating deaths. One of the reasons I cut cable is when IFC started running commercials. I loved IFC before Not shore what happened, or when it happened, but movie watching on IFC has gone to the Dogs Literally!!! Cant watch a movie without a commercial literally 5 mins away!!!

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