Who is a combat veteran

He may believe that he's the only one who feels this way ; eventually, he may realize that at least other combat vets understand. On some level, he doesn't want you to understand, because that would mean you had shared his most horrible experience, and he wants someone to remain innocent. He doesn't understand that you have a mama bear inside of you, that probably any of us could kill in defense of someone if we needed to.

Imagine your reaction if someone pointed a weapon at your child. Would it change your reaction if a child pointed a weapon at your child? When you don't understand, he needs you to give him the benefit of the doubt. He needs you also to realize that his issues really aren't about you, although you may step in them sometimes.

Truly, the last thing he wants is for you to become a casualty of his war. For the latest military news, videos, tips on military family benefits and more, sign up for a free Military. Regina Bahten has been practicing medicine for the past 24 years; the first 12 were as a primary care doctor. She then cross-trained as a psychiatrist. She has been honored with the friendships of many veterans over those years, whose influence led to her decision to accept a commission in the National Guard at the age of For the past three years, she has worked as an outpatient psychiatrist with the Veterans' Administration in Las Vegas, primarily with veterans of the current conflicts.

For a long time, I thought military service fit on one of two sides of a coin. It was either war, meaning combat and fighting Restaurants are saluting Veterans Day with free meals and discounts for veterans, service members and their families.

But after he deployed Veterans who need assistance in this area should contact the VA for further assistance. Currently serving Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve members who need help understanding or accessing their military records should contact their unit orderly room, customer service office, Command Sergeant Major, Senior Chief, or other officials who can advise you on how to proceed.

For the purposes of claiming VA wartime veteran benefits, the following eras apply. Many state and local veteran benefit programs recognize these wartime service eras or have lists of eras very similar to the one published by the Department of Veterans Affairs. You will need to check with each state or local veteran benefits program to see how each program deals with eligibility requirements based on service, wartime service, and combat service.

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Email Required. We saw this happen a lot with Vietnam veterans and other war veterans. Former military service members who served in a theater of combat operations may receive access to a number of VA benefits, including cost-free health care benefits and medical care. They may receive exemption from medical expenses like copays. However, they first need to prove their eligibility for health care services as a disabled veteran who was in combat.

This guide will outline how eligible veterans and former military service members can prove that they fall into this category and enrollment. This eligibility lasts for five years after discharge. According to the U. Department of Veterans Affairs , this eligibility comes back to Public Law This law was called the National Defense Authorization Act of Through this act, the U.

This amendment extended enhanced eligibility to veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as these combat zones were active following that cutoff date. Keep in mind that veterans who enroll after their enhanced eligibility period will need to prove their status as a combat veteran through additional means and documentation.

They may also be required to make additional copays if they miss the five-year window for application. So how does a veteran go about proving they were in combat service? A veteran who is trying to prove that they were in combat, usually just needs to provide a statement that says the veteran suffered a disease, injury, or stressor event during combat. With each disability claimed, documentation must support the connection to combat service.

Any medical treatments, vocational reports, psychological evaluations, and so on can support your claim. The more documentation you possess, the less likely your disability claim will be denied. When proving service connections, you need to understand which type s may affect your claim. Some disabilities appear immediately. Others appear later, making them harder to prove for your claims.

Direct service connections to disability claims are the most common. These typically pertain to injuries received in a theatre of combat.

An IED blew up, or a truck wrecked, and you got injured. Those are cut-and-dry service connections. Directly related connections are marked by a diagnosed disability at the time of the claim. The application must connect directly with a combat service-related incident. This incident must connect with the disability and the incident at a clear nexus.

Determining a direct service connection can be the most simple combat disability claim to prove. Make sure to acquire the proper documentation to support a directly related service claim. If you do not document any medical care or diagnostics, you will find it more challenging to validate your disability claim. When veterans accumulate disabilities in active duty, these can worsen with particular incidences.

For returning service members with pre-existing conditions, combat service can aggravate these conditions. What was previously an inconvenience may now be a full-fledged disability worthy of a benefits claim. When veterans are declared fit for active duty, this follows a presumption of soundness.

This presumption extends to physical and mental health. If a condition worsens after combat service, veterans may be able to claim a service connection through aggravation. After 6 years at sea, your job in engineering worked your knuckles so bad that your arthritis got worse.

This would be a service connection through aggravation. Presumptive service connections differ from direct service connections. These apply to specific periods of service known to impact service members.

Presumptive periods range from one year after service to any period of time , based on the service experience. For example, presumptive service connections apply to particular cases. Examples of presumptive combat service connections include:.

Service members claiming combat veteran benefits fall under presumptive service connection. Most combat veterans of today served in one or multiple Gulf War operations. This means you may qualify for presumptive service connection.

Secondary service connections occur from other service-related disabilities.


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