Which river valley civilization was characterized by isolation

Women and men grew to have more equal status. The total human population rapidly increased. Women were important contributors to the agricultural revolution because they were likely the gender who Which of the following is the best explanation for why the concept of civilization is controversial as an organizing principle of world history?

The concept is too broad to have any meaning B. The concept assumes that nomadic people are civilized. The concept ignores the importance of periodization in analyzing world history. The use of the concept assumes that settled people are superior to nomads E. The concept implies that eastern civilization are superior to those in the west. China B. Egypt C. Indus Valley D. Mesopotamia E. Which of the following most accurately compares the government structures of early Mesopotamia and Egypt?

The governments of both civilizations were highly decentralized. Overall, Mesopotamian government was characterized by strong city-states, and Egypt was ruled by divine kingship. Mesopotamia had a highly developed bureaucracy; Egypt did not. In both civilizations power was concentrated in the hands of a king that was believed to be a god. Although priests were powerful in both societies, their authority was generally separated from the political power of the kings.

Which of the following best describes the basis of the ruler's authority in Zhou China? The ruler was a military ledaer who held power as long as he was victorious on the battlefield. The ruer was selected by a handful of elite aristocrats who also had the authority to remove him office.

The ruler was chosen and favored by heaven, and held power as long as he was a wise and principled guardian of his people. The ruler was believed to be a god himself, and so his authority could not be questioned. The ruler depended heaviliy on his staff, so the real authority lay in the hands of the bureaucrats. I and III only B. I and II only C. The "forbidden city" reflects the political leader's status as Confucianism encourages its followers to A.

The Hittite empire collapsed. The mycenaean civilization was destroyed C. Egypt was significantly weakened by a series of outside attacks. The Zhou dynasty fell, and the Warring States period began. Major trade centers in Western Asia were destroyed. Which of the following factors best explains why the four events referred to in 12 happened about the same time?

The continuing importance of written language in Chinese culture may be traced to its early use for A. The spread of Greek culture all over the eastern Mediterranean and the former Persian Empire is known as.. Zoroastrianism C. Delianism D. Olympiazation E. Which of the following civilizations had to acclimate to existing in a mountainous area with a narrow, dry coastline on one side of the mountain range and a rain forest on the other side?

Chavin B. Persia C. Indus D. Olmec E. Shifting cultivation was generally practiced A. The Mauryan Empire B. Athens C. Han China D. Babylonian E. Persian Empire. Sparta demanded more subordination of its male citizens to the demands of the state B. The Athenians emphasized the importance of poetry, art, and philosophy; the Spartans did not. Spartan women did not have as many freedoms as did Athenian women.

The Spartans placed the military at the center of their society; Athens generally did not. Both Sparta and Athens dominated the countryside aorund them and were two of the largest city states. The Chinese traded silk, pottery, and paper for horses, alfalfa, and a variety of crops.

Trade along the Silk Road networkd was stimulated by Roman demands for luxury goods such as silk. The breeding of hybrid camels developed along with the burgeoning Silk Road trade.

Silk Road trade did not significantly affect the lifestyles of Turkic nomads, the dominant pastoralist group in Central Asia. Which of the following technologies most directly contributed to increased overland travel starting around BCE? Which of the following most helps to explain why the collapse of political institutions was more devastating to the Roman civilization than to Han China or Gupta India?

This made them weak and vulnerable to invasion. However, sometimes the people had to unite to build irrigation canals for their agriculture. They developed written laws, the Code of Hammurabi , which was probably made to give unity to an expanding empire. Most rule was local, consisting of a network of walled towns whose leaders were loyal to the king.

These local leaders comprised the bureaucracy, a group of aristocratic chieftains who could be removed at the kings will. Women had more rights than in most early civilizations. There were certain jobs, however, that women were not allowed to do.

The vast majority of people in Egypt worked in agriculture. The Nile allowed Egyptians to trade with other civilizations and were in turn influenced by them. The Code Of Hammurabi reinforced patriarchy and social distinctions.

A business class of people operated quite independent of government control. Like in Egypt , most people in Mesopotamia were farmers. Certain cities traded and grew rich. We know they traded with Egypt and India. The family was the most important social institution. Men had most all of the authority.

As villages became more productive, social classes became more distinct. The Egyptians were polytheistic. The lineage of the gods extended to the pharaoh himself who had absolute power and was revered as a god. The Mesopotamians were polytheistic.

Each city-state had its own set of god that it worshipped along with a set of wider known gods. They built monuments called ziggurats to their gods. Their gods were often different manifestations of nature and were invoked to help in good harvests.

The honor and respect given to family elders was related to the worship of ancestors. Dead ancestors were summoned for advice through oracle bones and other means. Thus religion both drew from and reinforced patriarchy. The River Valley Civilizations A surplus of agricultural production led to the rise of complex human societies, or civilizations. Egypt Mesopotamia Shang Geography Egypt was protected by natural barriers on all sides.

Political Egypt was united under one central government.


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