Selection Boxes - -. Structure decks -. Quick links Card sets overview Discontinued card sets Reroll tier list Best cards. Quick Starter Guide. Ranking 1. Duel Links Leaked News [Nov 11]. Nekroz Ritual: deck recipe [Pre-Built]. Book of Moon Decks and Ruling. Our favorite field spells. Master of Rites: Super Soldier Skill 1.
Why do they always drop the ball with BLS skills? Wonder how many we'll get til they ge The Supreme King Beggars finally get book of moon then konami releases effect veiler in a selection box and the cy Melodious: deck recipe [Oct 5].
Igknight: deck recipe [Pre-Built]. Thunder End Dragon Decks and Tips. Nekroz of Brionac Decks and Tips. Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation. Is this game good? Will an event be coming soon to the game that hosts either "Multiply" or "Detonate" as a reward? Anyone getting frustrated with the amount of cheating in pvp. Duel Links Powered by GameA. Ancient Gear Beast. Ancient Gear Engineer. Ancient Gear Golem. Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon. Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound.
Double Cyclone. Wild Tornado. DS Roman Goodwin. Yuya Sakaki. Zuzu Boyle. Gong Strong. Sylvio Sawatari. Declan Akaba. Yuya Sakaki Lvl 40 Farm.
Yuma and Astral. Reginald "Shark" Kastle. Bronk Stone. Tori Meadows. Kite Tenjo. Yuma and Astral Lvl Tori Meadows Lvl Bronk Stone Lvl Reginald Kastle Lvl Kite Tenjo Lvl 40 Farm Gate. Yuma Tsukumo. Flip Turner. Sera DSOD. Scud DSOD. Aigami DSOD. Aigami Lvl Yusei Fudo. Jack Atlas. Crow Hogan. Akiza Izinski. Officer Tetsu. DS Kalin Kessler. DS Carly Carmine. DS Rex Goodwin. Carly Carmine. Kalin Kessler. Yusei Fudo Lvl Jack Atlas Lvl Crow Lvl Akiza Lvl Leo Lvl Luna Lvl DS Kalin.
DS Carly. Carly Carmine Lvl 40 Gate. Kalin Kessler Lvl 40 Gate. Antinomy Lvl 40 Gate. Register Don't have an account? Card Rulings:Geartown. View source. History Talk 7. You can still choose to Tribute the usual number of monsters when Tribute Summoning an " Ancient Gear " monster.
When " Geartown " is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, only its owner can activate its effect. If your " Geartown " is destroyed in your hand or Deck and sent to your Graveyard, you can activate its effect. Steeldarkeagel Administration. Works fine for me. Can you post a replay where you set your a Field Spell over your set Geartown and did not get it to activate. Forum Rules. If the opponent sets a field spell, your geartown won't be destroyed.
You can not watch A. I replays at the moment but if you open two YgoPro games you cna play yourself and set up the situations and save those replays to send in. You have no cards to summon in your deck. Also later this month after rule change this won't be possible anyway.