Carver can travel with Hawke to a secret Warden prison in the Vimmark Mountains in order to find the source of the aggression and uncover the harsh truth about the Hawke lineage. If Carver is still alive, the Inquisitor can ask Varric Tethras about his fate. A conversation with Hawke reveals that they sent their associate Aveline Vallen to take him far away from the Free Marches when they heard about templars acting strangely.
Carver became a Grey Warden: Varric states that he was last seen on warden business near the border of the Anderfels. A conversation with Hawke reveals that they sent their associate Aveline Vallen to take him far away from Orlais when they heard about Grey Wardens acting strangely. There is also a bottle of Conscription Ale with his name on it in Redcliffe Village , behind a masterwork locked door.
Either way, if Hawke lives after the encounter with Nightmare it is mentioned that they will likely reunite. As a result of the inferiority complex that has plagued him since childhood, Carver takes value in proving his worth to his family and comrades.
A responsible Hawke who keeps their family out of trouble and allows Carver to make his own mark on the world will gain friendship. As such, supporting the Chantry's actions and siding with Templars over mages in certain circumstances will net his approval despite his vocal disdain for the Templars themselves.
Carver values fairness and clemency as proven by his approval gains in Loose Ends and elsewhere, but does not believe his sibling should neglect their own self-preservation in the pursuit of mercy. Dragon Age Wiki Explore. Dragon Age Series. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Carver Hawke. Edit source History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. This section contains spoilers for : Dragon Age II.
Carver in Kirkwall Carver spends a year working with his elder sibling to repay their passage into Kirkwall. Left home If Carver is left at home when Hawke sets out for the expedition, he willingly leaves the Hawke family to join the templars. This section contains spoilers for : Dragon Age: Inquisition.
The two swords have identical appearances and damage, but differ in other stats. This section contains spoilers for: Dragon Age II. Templar Carver "I'm a templar not a cleric. I'd prefer to stay in this world as long as possible.
And if I can make it an ordered place without looking like a zealot, all the better. We find out in a Rogue! Hawke or Warrior! Hawke playthrough, and Bethany lives, that Carver invented a jig to cheer her up. Carver becomes a far more bitter character in Act 1 than he was in the Prologue. Personally I attribute it to the lost battle at Ostagar and feeling like he had failed his family, and the loss of Bethany.
The two are intrinsically linked to him. Just as he failed to protect his family at Ostagar, so too did he fail to protect Bethany. As such he is rude, brusque, and pushes away his older sibling, who he sees as over it and rising up in the world, and his mother, who is reclaiming her noble heritage, a heritage he feels like he has no part in.
He most likely suffers from PTSD, and survivors guilt, but no one seems to take the time to get to know him, other than the time also spent with Hawke. Hey everyone! I however believe this to be untrue: Carver cares, deeply. Prologue Bethany: We should have run sooner, why did we wait so long? Carver: Why are you looking at me? Bethany: Wait, where are we going? Carver: Away from the Darkspawn. Where else? Carver: If we survive that long.
Again there is no bitterness here, no anger at Bethany, or at his mother or Hawke. Carver: If we stand here weeping, the darkspawn will take the rest of us too. So mentions of Bethany tend to get one very cross reaction. Case in point: Anders : Carver : What are you looking at? Legacy Act 2 The banter with Fenris is performed even after Carver has chosen a new path. Carver : Absolutely. And the magic that brought them to this world.
So I fight. But I hate what happened to Bethany, and many more like her. Legacy Bethany Lives We find out in a Rogue! Hawke playthrough, and Bethany lives, that Carver invented a jig to cheer her up He probably looked ridiculous doing it, but he would do it any time Bethany was sad, or hurt. In conclusion Carver becomes a far more bitter character in Act 1 than he was in the Prologue.
He lost his twin. The other half of him. You can keep Bethany and Carver alive, Hawke just has to die then you watch the rest of the game play out as a series of cutscenes MeiWang wrote In this video preview Hawke is a rogue, yet he has Carver in his team.. I'm so happy that I can have Carver eaven if I'm a rogue! So you CAN have Carver survive if you are a rogue?!?! By NeroSparda - Thu Feb 10, am. Sadly no, you cannot have the Carv unless you're a mage. I was hoping it would be a choosing at the very last moment to save and leave the other die rather than just class selection.
Thankfully I got over my disappointment awhile ago. User mini profile. NeroSparda Status: Offline. By NinjaRogue - Thu Feb 10, am. And then Bethany goes squish. NinjaRogue Status: Offline.