Can intj mastermind

Even though people with INTJ personality type want to be left alone, they still can feel very lonely at times. Seemingly stiff and aloof INTJs are, in fact, great lovers who are not only passionate and romantic but also loyal and reliable.

When an INTJ person feels jealous or upset about something, they will retreat to sort their feelings. Then they can make a good plan to fix the problem. It may seem like INTJ people are good at anything they do, but the reality is that their skills are a result of careful preparation and practice. INTJs often fall for those who argue with them because of their ability to engage their intellect and emotion at the same time. People with an INTJ personality type often find themselves in positions with a lot of responsibility but little authority.

Read more on background of this personality theory: Jung Personality Types and the Model of Typology. You may also like: Top-Earning Personality Types. Advice is truly appreciated. I see you wrote this a long time ago but perhaps my thoughts will still be relevant.

And I will be honest, there will always be those times you feel alone. You will probably never have a large group of close friends that understand you. I suggest when you get to college find someone with whom you can discuss politics, find another person with whom you can enjoy art and music, and yet another to delve into philosophy and the meaning of it all.

You will be hard pressed to find someone who can keep up with you interests. But you will still find yourself alone at party wondering why you came. I hope you are still open to advise or just some thoughts. I have a few friends, but only one close friend outside of my family. As far as which university to go to, the best advice I can give is to go somewhere large enough to have a wide variety of people.

I agree with Ms. Mann, that it can be beneficial to have a few different groups for discussing different interests.

There seem to be more of these people in the science and engineering fields, so if you go into the medical field I think you will be likely to find them.

My personal passions are space and physics, so mechanical engineering made sense, so I can eventually work on rockets and do my best to be sent up on one. I should say that I started as a computer science major, and found it very difficult to decide to switch majors because I felt embarassed to have made a mistake. While you may not have the same concerns or face the same problems, I hope that this was helpful to you.

My sister is also a senior this year and so I am reminded of the unpleasant stress that that year brings. If I could give advice to myself at your age, I would tell me to be less afraid of new situations and remind her that mistakes are good for learning. Maybe this is one of the missing pieces of the puzzle that needs to be seen. I was literally moved to tears — as I read it, I felt truly understood. So, we tend to marginalize problem-solvers….

We also tend to favor efficiency over effectiveness, which will drive an INTJ crazier than anything. However, more importantly and very happily: I now know why and how I was able to land where I am today — in a deeply loving marriage to my INTP husband, the most genuinely honest person I know, to whom I made myself vulnerable and was rewarded with his complete trust and esteem. It makes the MBTI more human than the traditional verbiage.

Is that really me? Is it lack of clarity on my part? Something I forgot to mention is that I have some issues with the Myers-Briggs system. I have found other personality frameworks that describe me more fully, so that might also be contributing to the slight malaise I feel over this indecisiveness.

Hun, you can be an INTJ without being an emotionless robot. You can have a true self that only the special few get to witness AND a friendly, slightly reserved exoskeleton that you use on a daily basis to interact with a world you care about.

I have the INTJ personality and my life is falling apart. I suffer from the pride emotion paired with the unwillingness to forgive. Life is so incredibly hard.

How do I feel better? Melissa, I was so sad to read this. The most you can ask of yourself is to come to an understanding of how and why the offense occurred — no more, no less. BUT when you are finally able to achieve the state of forgiveness, you will simply stop wishing for the past to have been different, and you will then be able to refocus your energies and decisions purely on today and tomorrow.

In other words, forward and onward, not backward. You will stop fueling the past and picking at that psychological scab. You are in complete control of your emotional and mental well-being in the present and future.

It really is a muscle that just needs flexing. We really do have a capacity for extreme empathy. There must be a reason — quite a few, probably — that you married your husband, not the least of which he must be, at minimum, a decent human being, i. Only then can you respond with an authentic answer, rather than a dismissive deflection off your prideful armor. I always trace the true beginning of my deeply happy relationship with my INTP husband to our first fight, which happened when we were rather newly dating.

For the very first time in my love life, I did not dismiss him immediately and pridefully. Instead, I truly listened, stayed in the conversation, and made myself vulnerable. It was an epiphany to me how quickly and easily we solved the argument, and it deepened the bond between us.

This was everything. I just came to this state and realized that i played a big part of our breakup. That was the past but i do want to apologize. Thank u. I really do enjoy the work with children and I love my life. Throughout the years my exoskeleton got pretty solid.

But here the problems start. And when I try out to start a relationship I mess it up, putting too much efforts into the other person and the whole situation. Will I be lonely? Will I regret not having children!? Socializing and all that stuff is very hard for me, I often have to force me to talk to the parents etc. But sometimes I hate to be lonely.

Hi Ika. Same INTJ here :. Fantastic article! Thanks for this! Excellent piece. I also enjoy thinking in logical steps and subscribing to a planned schedule. I have been extremely introverted all my life but I also seem to yearn connection with others. Wow, reading this article was a little bizarre. Bizarre because I feel as if I relate to it in a lot of ways, which, I think, is a little unfortunate in some ways. For example, I often myself to be very frustrated with myself.

I think that kind of sucks. I mentioned all this because it leaves me feeling confused about what the hell I want to do with my life.

I feel as if no career path is right for me because I think they are all extremely limiting. I want to do something great and fulfilling but life seems to offer the paradoxical case of offering so many cars and also so little roads. But anyways, no matter how disappointed I may currently be with my lack of meeting my own standards, I know that, at the end of the day, none of it is really all that big of a deal.

I live in a first world country and I grew up with good enough parents. I will continue to live, grow, and perform to the best of abilities and emotions. Sorry if you read this whole mess of nonsense expecting some semblance of an intellectual conclusion. Antonia, you are a magician. I feel as if you peered through my past and future. At 28 years old I believe I have gone through 4 very painful exoskeleton regrowths. I want you to know how important that part in the article was for me.

I much prefer your explanation, mostly because it explains my current hunger to grow even further. I can think of 4 clear moments in my life where I was forced to grow a new exoskeleton. To INTJs: Shedding your exoskeleton is the hardest but most important adventure you will ever embark on. It is a journey to your greater self. If pain is inevitable, choose the pain that will lead you to your greatest reward.

That was a very interesting observation because it feels very true for me. Big changes feel frightening. But it feels good to think of it as shedding an old skin to grow into something new. This post is really cool.

I have bookmarked it. Do you allow guest posting on your site? I can provide high quality articles for you. Let me know. Antonia, you are truly gifted… you touched on some very important aspects of this personality type… the inner workings for relationships especially.

Thanks so much. Im still in high school, and sometimes it drives me crazy how I just know stuff. I can explain it after a bit, but I figure it out without knowing how. I thought I was weird or there was something wrong with me- thats what all the teachers told me. It really used to drive my chess master crazy that I could figure out the best move, or avoid traps without being able to explain why and he insisted that I would run out of luck someday.

After reading this, I realised that Im good at seeing repeating patterns and avoid the disadvantageous ones. My teachers always hated that I could memorise things fast and somehow figure out answers they couldnt- despite me doing A levels, where this is required. I dont think they liked the fact that I enjoy working alone and somehow still manage to get the best grades. They always said I was lazy and would never get anywhere. Many people have told me that Im cold blooded and emotionless, and it was really beginning to worry me.

Ive always hated crowds and usually just sit with a good book, something that a lot of people really hated- they never got that there was only so much time I could spend talking about other people.

Thank you again. I cant tell you how relieved this has made me. I just realised that my comment seems to be kinda pity seeking, but thats not how I meant it. I did. Like, a long time ago right after the first person caught it. I fixed them. Thanks for making us aware of them Kyle. Great… You have great knowledge in this: seeing from inside and out and then expressing it clearly.

Keep on sharing.. Very interesting to know about this. Arthropod, not anthropod. Arthropods are spiders, crustaceans and insects. I think Anthropod might be a band or something. Thank you for such a great article. As an INTJ male i wanted to add something about the effectiveness and efficiency. I live in a third world country in middle east. As you know third world countries tend to mimic from developed countries like yours. They try to implement the exact systems that your countries have implemented without thinking about it or trying to see if it fits the current situation.

When i offer them solutions , they tend to measure my efficiency and they will decline my solutions. Antonia, You are very good at this: seeing from inside and out and then expressing it clearly. At all. How you receive the information, process, decide and feel does not have anything to do with your IQ. And also finding ways to overcome incredibly and objectively hard challenges in my life completely on my own, without any help. But I am never the smarter person in the room and my IQ is quite standard.

What I am almost invariably, is the most organized, analytical, problem solver, effective, focused, strong, avid learner, and able to cope with frustration person in the room.

That is why I am where I am now. I truly enjoy being around other INTJs, as the creative aura can be intoxicating, but only my youngest child shares this personality type with me. My husband and 3 other children do not [sigh]. My wife of 14 years is an INTJ. She was miss understood and abused by her family. She suffered multiple traumas before the age of They locked her up basically and I helped her.

We have 5 kids and throughout I knew she was special. She is the most caring and closest to God that ive ever seen. I knew showing her would lead to an enlightening, which isnt in my best interest, but the right way. She has grown exponentially. God bless her and I hope she gets what she needs now, living poor has been hard for her. Wow, I really enjoyed this article, and almost enjoyed reading the comments as much!

Very few people can relate to that. Reading this page today, I feel that I am not the only one out there! So awesome! Very real and nice article. I can relate. Thank you for making me understand some things about myself. INTJ here. Just like Taylor Thomas, I had the same teary reactions. Maybe because this is so introspective.

They might be intelligent, analytical blabla but they suffer as hell. Being a student of Integral Theory and a practitioner of my own design Evolutionary Guide I have long said — and believed — that typing systems become less and less accurate [especially as predictors of behavior] the more we evolve through vertical stages in the Self-developmental line ego, mostly.

Which is accurate. But I was invalidating typing systems in general. Or rather, my good friend Mia Cara had me read this. I have never felt so understood and my emotional life so well explained in any context ever. Until now. I now send this — as a matter of course — after a first date and let them know if they want to understand me, this post is the Clift Notes — and ask them to pay special attention to the parts on emotions and emotional life.

What better than a totalizing logical-systemic theory of conscious evolution that outlines a specific set of steps to enlightenment? Add in the spiritual, introspective aspects e. Thinkers like Edwards, Torbert, Kegan, Ferrer posit models beyond or orthogonal to that of Integral Theory, and I personally support a plurality of models since mere language cannot capture reality in all of its radical complexity and variation.

It becomes more about self-applied praxis and personal experimentation e. We humans necessarily attach to certain ones and reject others leading to fundamental misunderstanding and divisiveness.

Hey Antonia, just wanted to say thanks for the read. You nailed me. I had both chills and tears as I worked through your post. I loved that you highlighted the sensitivity of INTJs in your post. I really loved the abstract wiki quote on exoskeletons. Most of the shit I read is all the same; we are strategic, analytical, blah blah blah.

You put a much needed spotlight on the guarded emotional side we have. This is the first time ever that I have gotten the results of extrovert. And it is wrong. I am an introvert. The only people who might say that I am not very reserved are my students, for whom I have to put on an act to draw them out to speak English I am an oral English teacher in a Chinese college.

I NEED alone time. Being with other people for long periods of time drains me of energy because it over-stimulates. Thanks for your comment, Jael.

It is INTJ. If it is the Effectiveness process that is confusing you since it is Extraverted , read the article. We all have introverted and extraverted functions. But INTJs lead with an introverted function. Best article I have read about…well… me! My group just did some personality tests and I will make sure to break out of my exoskeleton long enough to tell them to make it over to this site.

I am also a long-time GTD follower and would love to contribute in any way I can to discovering any tips on how to maximize the system for my personality type. Thanks again! I have often told people mostly professors that I think in bullet points, not in flowery prose. Interesting to read in the comments most of my thoughts. On a side note, I also just realized why I really like reading Jane Austen! Definitely challenging being an INTJ woman.

There were at least 3 of us at my last job. Was awesome to understand a coworker for once. This description really deep dives into the nuances of how we approach life. Thank you for this post. Never have found a better way to protect against harm than to stay in the lab, though. Most of the time, if you let them in too far, they kick your guts out and have a good laugh. I agree with your breaking up in parts, it is a very useful technique.

They only have to be influenced to do their part of the solution, they need not know the whole of the idea. It is really difficult to understand that what It is so obvious to you, it automatically ensues a triggering of everyone elses defenses on any topic. Be it at the university, workplace or at any place in the world. Prepare yourself for showdowns about almost everything with every single naive and shallow interlocutor.

Being the sole target of almost every average joe in the world and the last guy on earth to be remembered as a cool guy by few, after a decade or two OFC, when by chance some of them reached some stage of maturity. Just because once you gave someone a sharp and logical answer into his very important and once never challenged enough subject.

Since I work with students on the university level with finding majors and careers, we use quite a bit of assessments. So thank you for such a thorough and down to earth understanding of my type. I like it. The fear of being abused acquired from the social stigma and rejection of authenticity, creates a double-effect that combines the already present authenticity with even more mistrust.

This happens because the world fears truth. The solution for dishonest people is to bring the system against them. Let nature sort them out. Definitely more of trust issue than a sensitivity issues. This could have saved me so much existential teenage angst ten years ago. Overly critical of myself and others. The negative backlash resulted in a retreat from reality to a place where I could comfortably control everything I came in contact with. But that was unsatisfying because it lacked the stimulus required for me to develop and learn.

Growing from awkward adolescent into even more awkward twenty-something who found themselves with even less in common with her friends than before she retreated away from them, fertilised a rich and vibrant garden of self-doubt. Well, I no longer scream silently in my head while they prattle on. Most of the time. Great comment. Anyway, This intj profile rocks. The comments are pretty good too if 7 years pre-useful, seriously, all of us, come back in 7 years And read your bs from back then and get ready to throw up in your mouth a little.

But good stuff. Post-cult, check. First divorce, check. Boundaries with mentally ill ex wife, minus the happy ending where she gets better on her own, plus a funeral no one told me about and a one line obit a relative alerted me To days later, check. Left family eh, her story, I tire of fighting it and proceeded to have 8 phenomenal months of Effectiveness , literally ending up as an executive at a 50m revenue company managing 6 VPs lol.

Felt needed, that was accurate. Helping my wife when she is sick or they are. Best part of life since the return has been she and I recommited has been learning to love her More. Learning to value her brilliance.

I believe she is an ISFP. Drives me effing mad in every way, and I her. Too bad there isnt a prize for learning to love and cherish one another. I need to decide tho how long before living meaninglessly family life becomes mentally too dangerous. Never ever ever worth it. The only alternative is just permanent meaninglessness and a mfing minnievan.

Legos are fun. I guess. I should watch sports. INTJ here — found this page while searching for some new career ideas as I desperately need some kind of reboot. I found the way you described us both informative and beautiful. This deserves a spot in my fairly restricted browser bookmarks so I can share it with others and revisit it myself occasionally. Thanks for the feedback JJ! I have read many articles on the various personalities.

Of course, mostly on INTJ, as it is my personality type. Yours is an interesting perspective, definitely a nice addition to the discourse. I may appreciate this one a little more, perhaps as it seems to come from a more personal, experienced place, and makes me feel accepted in some of what I have deemed to be and what may well be neuroses.

Ruthless People with the INTJ personality type are ruthless when it comes to analyzing the usefulness of methods or ideas. While some other types would happily accept the argument that things have always been done in this way, INTJs would question and challenge the existing procedures.

This makes them efficient and impartial decision-makers, often at a very young age. INTJs are usually brutally honest, direct and rational. They will say what they really think and give solutions that they believe are right, without sugarcoating their words. They rely on their head rather than their heart, and they tend to suppress or safeguard their emotions. Difficulties Many INTJs are likely to have difficulties dealing with anything that does not require logical reasoning and this weakness is especially visible in interpersonal relationships.

INTJs find it very difficult to handle romantic relationships, especially in their earliest stages. Some of the traits found in masterminds are natural.

However, the environment can also have a huge impact on the development of this personality type. If the environment allows the INTJ personality traits to emerge, then it will. But if not, then this personality trait might not be evident. As we already know by now, INTJs can be pretty adaptive to their environments.

Consequently, they can easily assume a different personality if the environment calls for it. Masterminds are ultimately intellectuals, which is why they can piece so many things together and achieve a grand and magnificent goal. These folks rarely make mistakes.

And when they do, nobody can get things back on track as effectively as they do.


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