Focusing on positive memories, also known as mood induction, allows us to not think of adverse events, but it can also increase serotonin production. One study found a direct correlation between mood and serotonin. Positive moods showed increase levels of serotonin while negative moods revealed the opposite. The emotion of gratitude affects the brain's reward system, according to studies.
Being grateful releases dopamine and serotonin. It also has been linked to increased happiness. After two weeks of daily use I feel more energized and motivated, and I am much more even- keeled emotionally, and much happier in a general sense. Wisconsin has long gray winters and I know this will help me get through this extra gray winter!
I highly recommend. Three Blessings Exercise — a studied practice where you write down three things you are thankful for every night for one week.
This practice has been shown to improve overall happiness for up to 6 months! When we achieve our goals, we become happy. It can send a rush of dopamine, and then we want to reach the next goal. The larger goal, the higher the amount of dopamine. However, smaller goals can be more manageable to achieve and still release dopamine. Therapy can be a great way to increase serotonin. It can change your mood and help you cope with stress, depression, and anxiety. Specific treatments, acting as serotonin replacement therapy, might help increase serotonin receptors as well.
Trying a new experience is a great way to increase serotonin, such as cooking a new recipe or trying a new hobby.
The rule of thumb is, the less familiar you are with the activity, the more likely your brain will release dopamine. Turmeric isn't just a spice in our pantries.
It can also be used as an antidepressant and increase overall serotonin levels in the brain. Studies of turmeric and serotonin in animals found it to affect serotonin and dopamine, change stress-related parts of the brain, and protect mitochondria.
Tryptophan-rich foods increase the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. Such foods as milk, chicken, eggs, tofu, nuts, turkey, cottage cheese, soy beans, and red meat can increase your tryptophan intake. Multiple studies have found that increasing tryptophan-rich foods into the diets of subjects have resulted in less depression, irritableness, and anxiety. Consuming tryptophan for serotonin production may result in enhanced mood regulation.
Complex carbohydrates such as oats, whole grains, barley, buckwheat, yams, and sweet potatoes can also boost serotonin levels. It's important to note the risk of overeating when it comes to carbohydrates. A study on carbohydrates and serotonin found a link between overeating and an increase in mood.
Because carbs can enhance one's mood, it may be tempting to overeat. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 and B12, such as whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, and avocados, naturally produce serotonin. These natural serotonin foods offer an easy method to create serotonin naturally. One study found low levels of B6 to be associated with depression.
The thought is that adding B6 aids in serotonin production. Serotonin replacement vitamins such as B6 and B12 also produce serotonin in the body. They're a simple and effective method for increasing your serotonin levels if foods high in serotonin are not preferred. These substances have similar effects in temporarily increasing energy and then cause sudden drops of serotonin levels in the brain once the effects wear off.
One study on the effects of caffeine and serotonin found it to reduce levels of serotonin compared to a group without. Research on alcohol and serotonin found it to alter multiple aspects of serotonergic signal transmission in the brain. The research found serotonin levels to be low amongst alcoholics.
A rat study on sugar and serotonin levels found it to decrease serotonin metabolism. Another study found long-term sugar-rich diets to reduce the effectiveness of somatodendritic serotonin-1A receptors which are responsible for providing feedback control in the synthesis and release of serotonin.
Sleep is known to counteract stress. Enjoy a restful sleep allows the body to produce serotonin and keep the cortisol production low. A common cause of depression is the desensitization of the serotonin receptor system.
A study of serotonin and sleep limited rats to four hours of sleep per night. The research found that after eight days of limited sleep, the rats serotonin receptor systems had desensitized. Another finding was that it took at least seven days to normalize again.
Our sleep guide covers everything needed to know about sleep including:. Aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender, bergamot, and lemon can have therapeutic effects. Using your sense of smell can prompt your brain to release dopamine and serotonin. The goal is to get your heart rate up. Research suggests that serotonin tends to be lower after winter and higher in summer and fall.
Spending time in the sunshine appears to help increase serotonin levels, and research exploring this idea suggests your skin may be able to synthesize serotonin. If you live in a rainy climate, have a hard time getting outside, or have a high risk for skin cancer, you can still increase serotonin with bright light exposure from a light therapy box.
You can shop for these on online. If you have bipolar disorder, talk to your therapist before trying a light box. Using one incorrectly or for too long has triggered mania in some people. Some dietary supplements may help to jumpstart the production and release of serotonin by increasing tryptophan. Before trying a new supplement, check in with your healthcare provider. Make sure to tell them if you also take:. Choose supplements made by a manufacturer that is known and can be researched for reports on their quality and purity of products.
Research suggests these supplements could help increase serotonin and reduce symptoms of depression:. Tryptophan supplements contain much more tryptophan than food sources, making it possibly more likely to reach your brain. A small study suggests tryptophan supplements can have an antidepressant effect in women, though more research is needed.
Buy tryptophan supplements. Buy SAMe supplements. This supplement can easily enter your brain and produce serotonin. A small study suggests it worked as effectively as antidepressants for those with early symptoms of depression. But other research on 5-HTP for increasing serotonin and reducing symptoms of depression has yielded mixed results. Buy 5-HTP supplements.
It also may not be ideal for long-term use. Note that St. People on blood clotting medicine, should not take St. Buy St. Research suggests getting more probiotics in your diet may increase tryptophan in your blood, helping more of it to reach your brain. You can take probiotic supplements, available online , or eat probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, and fermented foods, such as kimchi or sauerkraut.
Use caution when trying these supplements if you already take medication that increases serotonin. This includes several types of antidepressants. Too much serotonin could cause serotonin syndrome , a serious condition that can be life-threatening without treatment. As a result, less tryptophan gets in. One way to sneak more tryptophan into your brain is to get it from complex carbohydrate sources, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.
When you eat these carbs, your body produces insulin, which helps your muscles pull in more amino acids, giving tryptophan a better chance at reaching your brain. Serotonin is just one of the four feel-good hormones. To learn more about the others and how they work, head to the beginning of this series.