By chanting Om, the mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables a person to get into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi. The activity of attaining samadhi brings the materially absorbed mind under control, which enables a person to have one-pointed focus towards spiritual realization.
Because the Absolute is beyond the understanding of the mundane material senses, spiritualizing the mind — the center of all sensual activities, through sound vibration, is necessary to set in motion the process of transcendental realization. Like a majestic tree that can be generated from a tiny seed, the glorious tree of spirituality can grow from the sincere chanting of Om. Each aspect of the visual form of Om signifies a particular state of reality.
In this condition, the mind identifies with the physical body and perceives the world through the senses.
The upper curve indicates the unconscious state, or that of deep sleep sushupti. This is a state of total unawareness, in which you are in a deep dreamless sleep, and you are withdrawn from both physical and mental activities. The middle curve denotes the dream state swapna. The dream state is in between the deep sleep and waking state, where a person explores the subconscious.
Your consciousness is turned inwards, as your fears, hopes, and desires manifest themselves in an imaginary world. Lovely narrative but most useful to human s who are breathing! Brahmanand Nayak April 17, at am Reply.
Rajendra Parekh September 20, at am Reply. Brahmanand Nayak September 21, at am Reply. Karthik sankar September 21, at pm Reply. Brahmanand Nayak September 22, at am Reply. Karthik sankar October 1, at pm Reply. Abha July 28, at pm Reply. Brahmanand Nayak October 26, at am Reply. Virendra Singh Mann November 18, at pm Reply. So simply put. Thankyou very much. Usha November 23, at am Reply. Brahmanand Nayak November 24, at am Reply.
Asit November 24, at pm Reply. Very amazing information for our health… Thanks for this. Sanjay December 6, at am Reply. Can I increase my brain power by chanting Om And how many hours I have to do. Brahmanand Nayak December 7, at pm Reply. Kishore January 3, at am Reply. Brahmanand Nayak January 28, at pm Reply.
Brahmanand Nayak March 16, at am Reply. Kiran Tandle March 19, at pm Reply. Brahmanand Nayak November 8, at am Reply. Portal Polska March 28, at pm Reply. Amazing Blog Post I found very useful information in this blog. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anger Management: Control anger, control of your life! Ayurvedic doctor's tips.
Scientists have researched the effects on the brain of the vibrations created by chanting. A small study, as well as a follow-up, evaluated the effects of using om as a mantra by taking functional magnetic resonance imaging MRI scans of the brains of participants as they chanted om and also the sound "sss" as a control. The study, which was published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, noted that om chanting is associated with an experience of relaxation , specifically citing beneficial changes in the autonomic nervous system which regulates heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism , and other internal functions and deactivation of limbic brain regions an area that controls emotion, memories, and arousal.
Another study found that chanting om loudly for 30 minutes significantly increased theta brain waves, signaling deep relaxation.
A study showed that it also changes delta waves, which are the same waves experienced when in a deep, dreamless sleep. Researchers also observed brain activity during the om periods similar to that created by vagus nerve stimulation, which is used to treat depression and epilepsy. Scientists concluded that chanting om may have potential in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Although these results are considered preliminary, they offer scientific support for the positive effects many people experience from chanting om.
The om symbol has become the unofficial logo of yoga. You see it on mats and T-shirts, painted on studio walls, and tattooed onto the bodies of some yogis. It's such a ubiquitous image in the yoga world that it's easy to forget that its significance goes beyond proclaiming your love for all things yoga.
The origin of the symbol is not known, but its three curves are thought to represent three states of consciousness:. The dot in the om symbol signifies the fourth state of consciousness, which is when you are somewhere between the other three states. Others suggest that the om symbol's three curves may have other representations, such as the three worlds earth, atmosphere, heaven , the three major Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, Siva , or the three sacred Vedic scriptures Rg, Yajur, Sama.
Om is considered the "original vibration of the universe" in Hinduism, or the vibration from which all other vibrations are born. In Hindu scripture, it is defined as the foundational sound of creation. In Buddhism, om is considered "the syllable which preceded the universe and from which the gods were created.
Om is generally chanted three times at both the beginning and end of a yoga class, but the explanation for this differs. Some say that this represents peace in three dimensions physical, mental, and spiritual while others say that it is to focus on three Granthis, which are knots in the body thought to hinder one's path to greater awareness.
If you've never tried it before, starting a yoga practice can feel overwhelming. Our email series can get you ready to roll out the mat. Sign up and get started today! Maharara S, Sabar N. The concept of 'OM': with special reference to chandogya upanisad. Int J Sanskrit Res. Try it for 15 mins daily! Your explanation seems to be very excellent, I am chanting OM daily times and it takes 30 minutes by using chin mudra. This primordial sound takes me to the divine world. Thank you very much madam for your guidelines.
Really appreciate this clear explication of the sounds, and how to form them, and the symbol meaning, plus the auditory and video. I am probably an animist, as I see see everything is alive, connected, and vibrating. I have mitigated that with supplements that help repair mitochondria.
Namaste Don. Good morning with smile. Thanks for your for most beautiful enlightening teaching about Om the foundation stone of spiritual World. Chant by mouth. Chant by Thjroat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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