Air Force. United States Secret Service. Panamanian Defense Forces. Tacitus Corporation. ISI Leader. Soviet Armed Forces. Non Canon. Call of Duty. Call of Duty: United Offensive. Call of Duty: Finest Hour. Call of Duty 2. Call of Duty 2: Big Red One. Call of Duty 3. Call of Duty: Roads to Victory. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Call of Duty: World at War. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized. Call of Duty: Black Ops. Call of Duty: Black Ops Mobile. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance.
Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified. Call of Duty Online. Call of Duty: Strike Team. Call of Duty: Ghosts. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Time to move on. Damn, this thing is heavy! I found another fuel can! How I know? I don't know. I found somethin'! We're gonna need this!
A gun just appeared right outta that chalk drawin'! I aint got time to fuck around with the box. That's just fuckin' great. No bullets! Shoulda saved the last one for myself! This is not good. I can see why they call this the Death Machine. You thought wrong! I'm ready for ya! Now come to papi!
You're all invited. Weasel wasn't kidding about this Blundergat thing! This thing looks like a fuckin' coffin or somethin'! Having a 12 gauge like this saved my behind more than once. Come to papi! Don't see this being much use. Does it come fully loaded? This ain't a fuckin' game!
You're in deep shit now! A reference to a similar quote by Nikolai Belinski. Was that dynamite? Stay down! That's what I wanna know. Can't even remember when I last tasted one! I was outta my body! Lookin' down! Am I dead already? Where the fuck are you? You here?! I gotta get outta here. Gotta find the parts for the escape plan!
I know what you did. You slipped something into my food, something to make me hallucinate all this! What I don't know, is why. Yeah, I get it Weasel. You can be damn sure you'll get it too, soon as I wake up. The universe taking its grand revenge for all my misdeeds. Well, I ain't taking it. You hear me? I ain't playing anymore. I don't regret a damn thing. If I had my time over, I'd do it all again. Every fucking part of it. So universe, you wanna know what I think?
I think, you can go fuck yourself! I am done with this stuff! I'm done. I don't know what the fuck was going on, but I ain't playing no more. Either wake me up, or just fucking kill me already! You hear me?! I'm done! What do you want from me, huh? I don't know, don't know, is this it? Is this all there is? I escape, but then I don't escape? Somebody, am I supposed to learn something from all this? Answer me, damn you!
I think it's Ferguson! That thing's heavy! Fucking wicked witch of the fucking west! They'll fight like rats. You can't escape your own guilt? Do you feel it, deep down, nagging, eating away at you? Is that really what you want? What do you think will be waiting for you when you get out, Sal? You think the city will be just as you left it? Can you trust your tenants to keep order?
What I can reason is that during the maps that Sam was controlling the zombies, like Kino, The first half of moon, and even a short time in Nuketown; This was Samantha's turn in the real world. During the wacky maps like Tranzit, Buried, MOTD, and Die Rise; This was Edwards turn, and this would explain why the characters in Edwards world, even though sometimes not directly connected, had memories of Samantha's world.
Now unfortunately this would mean that all of our scheming and planning to the wacky storyline is now irrelevant, but this offers us a new chance:. At the end of the cutscene, the children talk about how they wish their heroes were real, and Samantha gives a line that officially got my head spinning: "Don't worry, daddy has a plan. Does this mean Maxis has a plan to bring the characters from their game into real life? This is a theory we should all be discussing.
Sorry, I think I'm going to stick with my current viewpoint, which is that the perks in each map are there for gameplay reasons. From what we know it would seem more likely that as far as in-game chronology goes Origins is where Cherry is from, not Alcatraz.
On the subject of the main topic, I recall reading a thread a while back about a different Nikolai that Weasel may have been referring to. I'd try to get the link but I am on my phone. I think his point about Electric Cherry is because its the only perk machine thats supposed to be in MotD. All the rest are flickering and phasing in and out, but Electric Cherry is just there.
And it seems like a perk made in the "Hell" or where ever MotD takes place. But I do think that the thing controlling the zombies of that map is the same thing that made EC. Thats why its the only perk thats supposed to be on the map. Thats why its only 5 cents and why you have Mictlantecuhtli's head in it and why its the same colors as the Mictlantecuhtli gum on the Nuketown loading screen.
I think thats the connection he means when he links it to Origins. The perks could just be there for gameplay elements, but they do usually have a story behind them and why they are there. So EC could be on Origins as a sign its another afterlife type map. Thats one theory I agree with since the maps have a lot more than that in common.
Or it could just be there and all those things are in common simply because the same development team worked on those two maps. Who knows. That's how I see the map anyways, makes sense, it's deep, scary, and fantastic. And as for the perk's origins: Every perk that's not soposed to be there is rifting, except EC. Why is it so special? Because it's made here and not pulled in and out by the wonder fizz.
Think of it like bubbles and water: If you force down air, aka the regular perks, the bubbles will attempt to rise back up and fight their existence bellow the water level, AKA the rifts between dimensions. Now EC is more of an iron weight, you place that above water and it will try to sink it's way back to the other realm. User Info: thelightness. TheGearsReaper posted More topics from this board General 11 Answers What is the current Black Ops 2 emblem copy glitch?
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