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Key security features Focus on these two key security features to help confirm that your notes are genuine: Hologram image change Tilt the note from side to side.
Check the words change between 'Twenty' and 'Pounds'. See-through windows Look at the metallic image over the main window. Look for a second, smaller window in the bottom corner of the note. Other security features. Silver foil patch A silver foil patch contains a 3D image of the coronation crown. Purple foil patch A round, purple foil patch contains the letter 'T'. Feel of polymer and raised print The note is printed on polymer, which is a thin and flexible plastic material.
Print quality The printed lines and colours on the note are sharp, clear and free from smudges or blurred edges. Ultra-violet number Under a good quality ultra-violet light, the number '20' appears in bright red and green on the front of the note, against a duller background. Design features. Tactile feature On the front of the note the side with raised print , there are three clusters of raised dots in the top left hand corner. Size The higher the value of a note, the larger it is. This note is approximately mm x 73mm.
Unique numbering A unique serial number is printed horizontally and vertically on the back of the note. Resources Download our free education materials to help check your banknotes. You can also order our free education materials online: Order materials. Watch our key security features film.
Current notes. Back to top. This page was last updated 08 October Give your feedback. Yes, it was useful Yes. No, it wasn't useful No. Page Url. These notes also have tactile features that allow the blind and partially sighted to use them.
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