You are a very pleasant person to be around, and all your friends love to spend time with you. You are always willing to listen to new ideas and make friends easily. Nothing scares you more than the sounds of nearby coughing or sneezing. You fear getting sick above all else and sometimes are overly cautious in your methods.
But you're otherwise a very cheerful person and it's rare to catch you without a smile on your face. Your concern for your friends usually outweighs your concern for your own self, and you are quick to encourage or give care.
You share freely among those you care for, and have plenty of love to go around. Though you sometimes become nervous very suddenly, you can always trust your loved ones to return your kindness and help you out during times of worry. Who needs just one name? Or one interest? You love to learn and find something interesting in almost every area. You find beauty in the world when others cannot and you spend your time admiring it. Smart and curious, you're a person who loves to read, write, and learn new things.
Although you have a shy side, you fear very little and bravely defend what you believe in. You are the glue that holds your squad together. Without you, your group would just be an unsolidified mess of people with similar interests and ideals. But you are the center, you can bring almost anyone together and they can rely on you for anything! Your charm and confidence allow you to work your way through just about any problem there is!
Though you know there are troubles in the world, you keep a positive outlook and help your friends do the same! Your heart is true and innocent, and you believe all people are entitled to equal rights. You are a keen reader and learn a lot from the books you are almost always seen reading. There's not a doubt in your mind that you are dedicated to the right things in life and there are many people who count on you to guide them to the right path as well. Though you are a bit shy and soft spoken, you will never hesitate to insert your opinion on a matter you are passionate about or provide words of encouragement to those you love.
Created by The "B" stands for "Beatrice Which of these pictures is most pleasing to you? Confront them gently, ask to hear their side of the story and try to resolve the problem. Are you frequently in love? Are you an orphan? Are you fascinated with a country other than your own? Do you write poetry? Are you unlucky? Do you have a quick temper? Are you frequently sick?
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