This is because you are getting rid of some of the box so it will be lighter. Well you could remove the air from the metal box and put a very light gas in it such as hydrogen or helium that would make it marginally lighter, but I suspect given that these puzzles are mostly riddles that the answer we need here is lighter fuel, thus turning the metal box into a lighter?
What do you put in a box to make it lighter? Answer: Holes. This could be one example of a riddle, because it makes you think, what can I put in a box to make it lighter? A burning match? Log in. Brain Teasers and Logic Puzzles. Study now.
See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: What do you put in a wooden box to make it lighter? Write your answer Related questions. What can you put in a wooden box that would make it lighter? What would you put in a wooden box to make it lighter? What can you put in a seven pound wooden box to make it lighter? When you put this in a heavy wooden box the box will be lighter? When you put this in a heavy wooden box the box will beome lighter?
What can you put in a box to make a lighter? What can you put in a wooden box to make it lighter? What do you put in a wooden box to get lighter then the actual weight? A nswer the following riddle: What can a deaf person hear, what can a blind person see, if you eat it you will die? S tupid riddle What can you serve but not eat? W hat is lighter than a feather, but hard to hold? H ere's a quick riddle - what gets wet as it dries? It's quite easy, but can anyone guess it? S tupid riddle What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?
R iddle: What are made to be broken? W hat is the answer to this riddle? You can use a letter more than once. W hy can you never take a picture of a man holding a sign in the state of wyoming? It has to fit in the upright position with the lighter on top of can. Now apply pressure until you feel the metal of the lighter get cold.
What do you put in a box that makes it lighter? When you put this in a heavy wooden box riddle? What can you put in a wooden box? Who buys it but has no use? What do you answer but never asks you a question? How do you decorate an unfinished wooden box?
How do you decorate old wooden crates? What full of holes but still hold water? What word is always pronounced wrong?