This means they're unable to make decisions. If they can't sign the form you'll need to have the legal right to do it for them. You can sign the form for them if you:. You'll need to get the legal right if you want to apply for Attendance Allowance on behalf of someone who can't sign the form themselves.
It can take a while to get this permission so it's best to do this as soon as possible so you don't delay the Attendance Allowance claim. An appointee has the legal right to sort out someone's benefits for them. This includes spending the money in a way that helps the claimant and being responsible for reporting any changes, for example if they go into hospital. You can apply to become an appointee at GOV. You can't get lasting power of attorney LPA for someone on their behalf - they have to apply for it themselves.
They must be able to make their own decisions when they apply. If you have an LPA for someone you'll be able to make decisions for them or help them make their own decisions. If you need the benefits to be paid into your bank or building society account, the LPA must say you can do this. Read more about getting power of attorney at GOV. You should only apply to become a deputy for someone if they can't make decisions for themselves and there's no power of attorney for them. If they can still make decisions, it's probably best to become an appointee or get power of attorney for them.
If they can't make decisions, you can apply to become a deputy at GOV. You can either phone for an application form or download a form on GOV. It's best to phone because your payments will be backdated to the date you phoned, as long as you return the form in 6 weeks. The date you need to return it by will be stamped on the form.
If you download an application form, you'll only be paid from the date that the DWP receive the form. Relay UK - if you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: then You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. If no-one is currently helping you with personal care you may be accepted as needing help if you have some difficulty coping. If no-one is currently checking on you, you may still be accepted as needing supervision if you or another person may be placed in danger without it.
The help must usually be given in your presence. Here are some examples of the help you may need:. To qualify as needing supervision you must need someone to check on you regularly during the day. For example, you may need such checks if you have memory loss, are in danger of falling, have poor awareness of potential dangers, have serious behavioural problems, lose consciousness or have seizures. Substantial danger may include situations such as falling, leaving the gas on, self-harm, violence towards others or a serious risk to your health should you be left unsupervised.
The potentially dangerous situation does not have to happen frequently, but you must need frequent checks to reduce the chance of harm. If you ask for a claim form by phone, it should be stamped with the date of issue.
This is the date from which the benefit will be paid if the claim is successful, providing you return the form within six weeks. If you are not able to complete the form by this date, please let them know and seek advice. If you download the claim form or get one from a local advice agency, the claim will start from the date the completed form is received. Read the form and the notes that go with it before you start to complete the form. You can attach pages to the application form if you think there is not enough space to explain the help that you need.
Remember to add your name and national insurance number to the extra pages. Note: The Attendance Allowance factsheet gives some examples of some questions that the claim form asks, which might be helpful when you are filling in the form.
You may have information about your health and the help you need from a number of different people. This might include:. Once you have returned the form, the decision maker from the Department for Work and Pensions DWP may contact you, your doctor or someone you mentioned on the form to ask for more information or to arrange for a doctor to visit you.
If a doctor appointed by the DWP or DfC comes to visit you, your carer can be with you during the appointment. The doctor may want to examine you and ask further questions.
It is a good idea to make a note beforehand of the things you want to tell the doctor about. Special rules allow people who are terminally ill to get help quickly. You are considered to be terminally ill if you have a progressive illness that is likely to limit your life expectancy to six months or less.
It is impossible to say exactly how long someone will live and some people who receive Attendance Allowance under these rules live much longer than six months.
Under these special rules you do not have to satisfy the qualifying period ie that you have had the disability or been in ill health for at least six months. You also do not have to have been present in Great Britain for weeks out of the last week before claiming — you only need to be present at the time of claiming.
If you are claiming Attendance Allowance under these rules, your claim should include a DS form which is available from your GP or consultant. For help with this contact your bank, building society or other account provider. If you would like more information about how you can be paid by other means contact the office dealing with your claim. If you start to get Attendance Allowance, it might increase the amount of other benefits or credits you're entitled to.
Attendance Allowance is normally ignored as income for working out these income-related benefits and credit. Your carer cannot claim Carer's Allowance until you are awarded Attendance Allowance. Your carer's claim must be within three months of your Attendance Allowance decision being made or they could lose the benefit.
Your carer can find out more information on Carer's Allowance, including how to claim at the link below. For more information, you should contact the office dealing with your claim for the benefit or credit concerned or contact the Disability and Carers Service. If you have a progressive disease and are not reasonably expected to live for more than another six months, there are special rules to help you get Attendance Allowance more quickly and easily.
You can get the higher rate immediately without waiting until you have needed help for six months. You can make a claim for someone under the special rules without them knowing or without their permission. If they satisfy the relevant conditions, they will get a letter saying that they have been awarded Attendance Allowance, but special rules will not be mentioned. You can find out more about caring for someone who is terminally ill in the 'caring for someone' section.
It normally takes about 25 working days to process an Attendance Allowance claim, from the day the Disability and Carers Service receives your claim form. If the claim is made under the special rules, it will be dealt with much more quickly. If you think a decision about your benefit claim is wrong, you can contact the Disability and Carers Service to explain it.
You can also ask to have the decision reconsidered and, if you're still unhappy, you can in most cases appeal against the decision. Changes to your circumstances can affect whether you should get Attendance Allowance or the amount you get. It is important to contact the office that deals with your payments. If you, or someone you claim for, needs less help with personal care or supervision, because their condition has improved, or if they need more help, because their condition has worsened.
If you, or someone you claim for, is going into or leaving a National Health Service hospital, you need to report this. A period in hospital can affect your Attendance Allowance. If you, or someone you claim for, is going into or leaving a care home, you need to report this too. A permanent or temporary stay in a care home can affect your Attendance Allowance. You need to report if you go abroad for a temporary period or to live in another country.
If your visit abroad is temporary, you may continue to get Attendance Allowance if:. If you move to a country in the European Economic Area EEA or Switzerland and already receive Attendance Allowance, you may continue to get it under certain circumstances.
Payment of disability benefits in other European countries. Some people who make a claim for Attendance Allowance may be asked to have a medical examination. This is usually because more information about your disability or illness is needed before a decision on your claim can be made. A medical examination involves an interview and sometimes a medical examination with a Health Care Professional HCP who has completed specialised training on disability and benefit awareness.
The medical examination is likely to be different from what you would expect from your own doctor. You may have been asked for a medical examination for several reasons. When you first apply for Attendance Allowance you are sent a claim form to complete.
Can I get Attendance Allowance? How much Attendance Allowance will I get? How do I claim Attendance Allowance? How do I challenge an Attendance Allowance decision? Previous How do I claim Attendance Allowance? What you were doing?