Maybe add an option that turns on a respect quest off the same menu that allows us to choose everything even logout—I play on xbox. And since we have the option to abandon any quest we just abandon it if we feel it is too far away. This seems to me an easy option.
As a beginning player, in reply to Steve and Ashleigh particularly.. This page gave me exactly the info I wanted and needed. I spent a half hour doing a respec and the game is telling me I cant because im outside a shrine!?!?
This was very helpful. But the exp needed to upgrade your skills and morph them always stays same. It does not scale with character. I recommend you to have your two One Handed weapons equipped on your first bar and your Bow on your second bar.
Just open your inventory and drag and drop the second weapon onto the second weapon slot. So, if you want to use your bow skill, you have to switch to your so called backbar, or second bar. We are going to slot Radial Sweep on your frontbar, or first bar, and Nova on your backbar. Keep in mind though that you will only gather experience on the bar that is active at the moment you receive experience in case you replace a skill later on.
Frontbar One or Two Handed 1. Biting Jabs 2. Rending Slashes or Cleave 3. Honor The Dead 5. Volley 6. Ultimate: Radial Sweep. Backbar Bow 1. Volley 2. Biting Jabs 3. Rending Slashes or Cleave 6. Ultimate: Nova. From now on I will not guide you through levels anymore, but what you have to do upon reaching skill line rank, as everyone progresses slightly differently, depending on how strict they follow this guide, what you might have already noticed.
Insert the next skill point as soon as you can and continue leveling the passives that you already unlocked. You can always take other skills, of course, as long as you remember to put one of each skill line unto your bar.
You will most likely not have reached Rank 50 in all skill lines upon reaching Level That is normal and on the road to Champion Points you have plenty of time to get them to max rank.
The following is a list of the must haves for the Ideal setup. You can neglect the Fighters Guild ranks if you just want to go with the Minimum setup for now. By now you should have learned that weapon swapping is one of the most essential game mechanics. In a lot of build videos, you will see that pretty much all classes barswap a lot to reapply their buffs and debuffs, and to get the maximum out of their DPS.
You will also have noticed that light attacking has a lot of benefits. It will help you regenerate Ultimate unless you are using Overload while light attacking , increase your DPS, work with your skills and more.
It means that you are cancelling the animation of a light attack with a skill in order to be faster in your rotation and therefore put out more damage. It is one way to cancel an animation, there are others, going to be explained in a future guide. For now, the most important thing to learn about it is that you will have to learn to use a Light Attack in between each Skill. The next big and last milestone gear wise will be Champion Points This is when you can start with collecting the gear you want or need, upgrade it and grind trials, dungeons or overland activities.
It might seem like a big step, but you will get Enlightenment for being logged out of the game, which will give you a bonus to the Experience Points that you earn.
That way you can earn Champion Points at an accelerated pace. I will also not get into a rotation yet, that will be covered in a different guide. Just get to know your skills for now and concentrate on the things you will need to learn with this guide. The Start This Stamina Templar Beginner Guide is here to help you with understanding how the class works and getting used to playing with both bars which is essential for all classes.
You might be tempted to put them into Magicka because your first skills will be Magicka based. Alternatively, you can also put them into Magicka and go to a Shrine later on to reset them when you get your first Stamina abilities.
In the Morphing Guide I explain where you can reset your skill points, as well as your ability points. Radiant Oppression Cast Time 1. Deals more damage in proportion to your current Magicka. An ally near the fragment can activate the Gravity Crush synergy, dealing Magic Damage to all enemies in the area and stunning them for 5 seconds. The synergy deals more damage and stuns for longer.
Major Maim persists on enemies who leave the Nova for 10 seconds. An ally can activate the Supernova synergy, dealing Magic Damage to all enemies in the area and stunning them for 4 seconds. Maim stays on enemies after leaving the area. The damage over time lasts for longer.
Maximum copied damage: When the effect ends, a pool of sunlight remains attached to the enemy, healing you and nearby allies for Health every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. Maximum copied damage: Targets are also afflicted with Minor Breach , reducing their Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by for 9 seconds. Converts into a Stamina ability and deals Physical Damage. Backlash Rank IV Stamina Instant 6s 28m range Eclipse Active Envelop enemy in a lightless sphere for 4 seconds,that harms them with growing intensity anytime they use a Direct Damage attack.
These effect can only occur once every second. This effect can occur once every 0. The effects can activate once every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
Dawn's Wrath Rank 50 -- -- Restoring Light Rank 12 Ultimate 4s Channel 4s 20m radius Area Remembrance Morph Channel the grace of the gods, healing you and nearby allies for Health every 1 second for 4 seconds. You cannot move while channeling, but you gain immunity to all enemy control effects.
You cannot move while channeling, but you gain immunity to all disabling effects. Increases the duration of the channel. Also heals one other injured target for You heal a single ally outside the ability's radius. Healing Ritual Rank IV Magicka Instant 10m radius Area Restoring Aura Active Champion the cause of divine glory to apply Minor Magickasteal to all enemies around you for 20 seconds, causing you and your allies to restore Magicka every 1 second when damaging them.
Restoring Light Rank 20 -- Instant 20s 12m radius Area Radiant Aura Morph Champion the cause of divine glory to apply Minor Magickasteal to all enemies around you for 20 seconds, causing you and your allies to restore Magicka every 1 second when damaging them. Increases the radius Restoring Aura Rank IV -- Instant 20s 28m radius Area Repentance Morph Consecrate the souls of the fallen, healing you and your allies for Health and restoring Stamina to you each corpse in the area.
Restoring Aura Rank IV -- Instant 12m radius Cleansing Ritual Active Exalt in the sacred light of the Aedra, cleansing up to 2 harmful effects from yourself immediately, and healing you and nearby allies for every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Restoring Light Rank 30 Magicka Instant 12s 12m radius Area Ritual of Retribution Morph Exalt in the sacred light of the Aedra, cleansing up to 2 harmful effects from yourself immediately.
Cleansing Ritual Rank IV Magicka Instant 12s 12m radius Area Extended Ritual Morph Exalt in the sacred light of the Aedra, cleansing up to 5 harmful effects from yourself immediately, and healing you and nearby allies for every 2 seconds for 24 seconds. Restores Magicka. Restores Stamina. Restoring Light Rank 50 -- -- Join the page discussion Tired of anon posting?
Submit Submit Close. Which are dots and which are direct damage? Load more. Radial Sweep. Empowering Sweep Morph. Crescent Sweep Morph. Puncturing Strikes. Biting Jabs Morph. Puncturing Sweep Morph. Piercing Javelin. Aurora Javelin Morph. Binding Javelin Morph. Focused Charge. Explosive Charge Morph. Toppling Charge Morph. Spear Shards. Luminous Shards Morph. Blazing Spear Morph.
Sun Shield. Radiant Ward Morph. Blazing Shield Morph. Piercing Spear. Spear Wall. Burning Light. Balanced Warrior. Solar Prison Morph. Solar Disturbance Morph. Sun Fire. Vampire's Bane Morph. Reflective Light Morph. Solar Flare. Dark Flare Morph. Solar Barrage Morph. Maximum copied damage: Purifying Light Morph.
Power of the Light Morph. Living Dark Morph. Unstable Core Morph. Radiant Destruction. Radiant Glory Morph. Radiant Oppresion Morph. Enduring Rays. Casting a Dawn's Wrath ability generates 2 Ultimate. Casting a Dawn's Wrath ability generates 3 Ultimate. Restoring Spirit. Rite of Passage. Channel the grace of the gods, healing you and nearby allies for Health every 1 second for 4 seconds You cannot move while channeling, but you gain immunity to all enemy control effects.
Remembrance Morph. Practiced Incantation Morph. Rushed Ceremony. Honor the Dead Morph. Breath of Life Morph. Healing Ritual.