As of the November 11th, update, the level cap is now In Black Desert Online, some locations are much better than other locations to farm skill points in. Polly Forest. Jul 17, Is it Possible to Quest to Level 62? Many players take the quest approach to try to level up to level Although it is technically possible to do it, there is no reason to take this approach.
In Black Desert Online, all side quests yield 0. There are 3 installments in the series, with a 4th initially scheduled for User Info: gfar2. No there doesn't seem to be - I just imported my L58 with a few skill choices I would like to change but I guess I'm stuck with it.
User Info: Avenger Yes, you can. It's called start at level 1. Seriously, read the perk descriptions before you take them. User Info: DrNewcenstein. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
Question Status Does anyone remember who is the one that sells the items to make sonic pulse grenades And where? Unanswered How Has anyone figured out why when i upgrade a new weapon it turns i to a 30 stack ig throwing knives? Unanswered Where can i find the tesla bomb mod? That is wrong. Enemies are scaled at the level of the host. Quest data is not overwriten if you joinsomeone way ahead of you their completed quest will be completed for you but when you go back to your save anyquest that you didt have and complete will still be there, but if you have lets say the quest SMALL SPOILER "nighthawk" and find the crashe plane and tell the old hag what happend then you will get the reward there and it will be completed in your save.
After I realized they accidentally released a dev version of the game I understand why so much was broken when I played it NiteCyper NiteCyper 9, 33 33 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Screenshot of the Week.
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