Glad to help. Our AKTA's really appreciate filtered solutions - in fact everything we put on them is filtered, including cell lysates. It helps a lot - you won't believe what kind of junk one finds in commercial salts and chemicals, even in the 'super-duper clean' ones most common are fibers from some kind of sacking, it would appear.
Autoclaving does not eliminate all particulate matter, so if you are working with any kind of precision machinery, expensive columns etc.
We are mostly dealing with proteins being prepared for crystallographic studies so as you can imagine, the amounts of liquids that we put through the systems are quite large, but even for small samples sometimes just one piece of fiber is enough to crack your column or increase the backpressure or get stuck in your pumps and cross-contaminate your sample.
Cheers, Artem. I still feel dirty. There's plenty of opportunities to collect dust for xtallization purposes after chromatography - just look inside some of the microvial types : yes they're sterile but DUSTY! Or move the tag onto the different end of the protein. There are too many answers to the question 'why my protein does not crystallize' : and a sad lack of answers to the question 'how do I crystallize a given protein'.
But the happy ending is that I eventually got 0. And you are right, the plasticware I used was full of dust! We have a sample of about 40 proteins but don't take my word for it - recent results of the structural genomics consortia show the same trend. Use the graduated cylinder to measure 1L of MilliQ water.
Carefully pour the measured MilliQ water into the bottle with the Imidazole. Swirl the bottle to mix, until the Imidazole is completely dissolved. Label the bottle 1M Imidazole , with your initials and the date. Autoclave the solution on a liquid cycle.
Autoclaving stock solutions. Making Elution buffer solution. After autoclaving, place a label reading For QC on the bottle, and set the solution aside for quality assurance. If not, re-make the imidazole solution. Always wear gloves and goggles when handling solutions. Imidazole is dangerous. Avoid inhaling imidazole, or getting imidazole on your hands or clothing. What records must be maintained and where should they be recorded?
Search this site. About Us. MilliQ or deionized water 3. Large plastic weigh dish Gloves for each person 2. Goggles for each person 3. Balance 4. Graduated cylinder mL capacity 1 1 1 Protocol 1.