Broadly speaking, the outgoing sales process covers four distinct stages:. Ideally, those should be four distinct functions within a sales team. There would be a dedicated researcher , responsible solely for generating a database of companies that match your ideal customer profile. Are you going to email them? Connect with them on LinkedIn? Send them a postcard? How can you further qualify the opportunity? This is where you start getting into the nitty-gritty of the sale itself.
Hiring a couple of salespeople and calling it a day is not enough. Great Insights. Loved the Article. Though many of them are practiced when you get more matured, it is good to have a orderly method to the madness sales people go through…. Already have an account? Sign in. Forgot your password? Reset it. Don't have an account? Sign up here. Full Channel List. Sales Templates Sales Training Demo-litions. Code of Conduct. Log in. Join Now. Sign In. All Channels. When qualifying a prospect, the three main indicators you should always consider are: Need Budget Authority.
For this, most companies like to consider: Company size Turnover Employee count Industry vertical Geography. Custom indicators are criteria that may mean nothing to other companies, but they help you understand whether a particular company is a good match for your products or services. Comment Comment. Show: Oldest Newest Most Upvotes. Thank you very much helpful. Study your answers and improve your success in sales:.
The successful salespeople are the ones who use prospecting as an effective tool. It is not for the "weak at-heart. However, selling is reversing the "no" and making it a "yes. Wiley, Million Dollar Prospecting Techniques. Just Sell It! Chapter 4: "Identifying and Developing Prospects. Henry Holt, In addition to a busy writing schedule, he is completing the requirements for a Ph. All rights reserved.
The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. How to Qualify Leads and Prospects. Getting to the Buyers Knowing how to prospect is another key to successful selling. Referrals Successful sales people know the value of a prospect who has been referred by an existing client happy with your product or service.
Networking This is a method whereby you become your own best bird-dog. Trading Leads An excellent method of prospecting is to set up a system whereby you are able to trade leads with other salespeople who sell in the same market as you do. Lists Smart salespeople know the value of lists of businesses and people in their day-to-day prospecting. Business Directories Libraries with a strong business section would be a good place to find directories that list businesses by industry.
The following list of directories can provide you with valuable leads: Reverse Directories These are cross-reference directories which allow you to prospect in a specific geographical area. These publications list the telephone numbers in order of street, house number, town, country or the phone number itself. The Cole Directory is an excellent example of a cross-reference directory. Related businesses have similar numbers so that you can scan through one of the many directories that use them and look under only the numbers that apply to users of your product or service.
This not only will provide you with an excellent list but in addition will give you an insight on related businesses and industries that you might want to prospect. Corporate Directories These directories give excellent analyses of corporations. They can include company size, type of business, sales volume and principals with titles. Specialized Directories There are directories that list individuals according to profession. For example, the Martindale Hubbell Law Directory lists attorneys according to state.
Prospecting by Telephone The telephone is the greatest sales tool ever invented. When using the telephone, be conscious of how you sound and the words that you will use. A prospect you are calling for the first time only has your voice and how you come across on the telephone to make a judgment about you.
The prospect does not have the advantage of seeing you, your product, brochures or other sales aids. So, if he hears a voice that is low, monotonous, or has poor diction, he most likely will cut the conversation short. Sound enthusiastic when speaking to a prospect. Enunciate clearly and choose your words carefully trying to paint a clear mental picture of opportunity to your prospect. This is a time for you to get to know the prospect so be sure to keep his interest on the telephone.
Never ad-lib telephone presentations. Each conversation should be scripted to a degree. It should include a question or two that will engage the prospect in a short conversation. Remember, the word "convert" comes from "conversation. Also, you should be prepared to answer any objections that might come up during the conversation.
Ask the questions which will qualify the prospect as being in a position to buy. An important point to remember is that you are usually calling the prospect to get an appointment. You are not trying to sell your product or service over the telephone. When they ask you to send a brochure, for the most part this is a kiss-off and a waste of time. For telephone prospecting to be effective, you must have a set time each day when you will make your calls.
If you are not disciplined in your telemarketing, it will become a hit-or-miss situation for you and will be at best, a waste of time for you. Canvassing Canvassing can be an effective tool in prospecting for leads. Direct Mail Another way of getting and qualifying leads is to use the mail for sending brochures, letters or samples with a note attached stating that you will be calling for an appointment. Use a real stamp and not a postage machine. Prospects are not so inclined to throw out unopened pieces of mail without opening it if it is handwritten.
Successful salespeople often hand write a personal letter on plain stationery without a letterhead. This tactic will at least get the prospect to read the first few lines to find out who you are. If you are clever in your approach, you will get him to read the entire letter and not dismiss it as another piece of junk mail. Think about it. How many times do you get unsolicited mail and look at the return address, window envelope, and postage meter stamp and throw it away without opening it?
Your prospect will do the same thing. To be successful, you must follow-up your direct mail campaign with a telephone call. This will increase your chances of getting an appointment and will serve as a vital part of your prospect qualification process. If you get the appointment there may be a need for what you are selling. Special promotions A good place to get prospects is at trade shows and sales conventions.
Newspapers They will give you valuable information about people and their companies. Employee turnover If a salesperson leaves your company, for whatever reason, the lists they leave behind might be a helpful tool for your prospecting effort. Testimonials A typical testimonial might state: "Thanks for the excellent job you did on our sales training program.
Qualifying the Prospects To be successful in prospecting you must first identify or qualify your prospects. Here are the questions: Who? A few excellent "who" questions you might consider using in order to convert "suspects" into highly qualified prospects are: Who has the most obvious need for your products or services? Who are the ideal prospects? Describe in detail on a piece of paper who your ideal prospects are. Who has the money to buy your products or services immediately?
Who has the most urgent need to buy your products? Who has influence on the prospects you are able to identify? Where do your ideal prospects live, work, socialize, worship or play?
Where can you find useful mailing lists of people who fit your ideal prospect profile? Where can you find directories from which you can form your own lists?
Where could you go to contact new prospects? Why would the prospect be likely to buy your product or service? Why would the prospect resist buying your product or service?
Why might this time be good or bad to approach the prospect? Why would this person be likely to set up an appointment with you? These questions, if properly used can boost your qualifying average. This question is about timing. When is the b est time to contact a prospect? An important hint, if he or she is a busy executive, is never on a Monday morning! When is the prospect most likely to give you the time you need? When should you contact the prospect again if your first efforts were not successful?
How can you be sure that you are doing a good enough job of follow-up prospecting? Look at the Who? How can you use your prospecting time more productively? The "Where? How can you sharpen your prospecting and qualifying skills? Hint: Search for creative ways to put your products and services to good use.
Sales reps should consider the profitability of an account and whether it makes sense for your organization to go after it. The Brooks Group has a variety of virtual workshops, sales training programs, and bootcamps that can help get you on the right path, right away! Complete this form and someone will reach out to you. The year has brought in new sense of optimism for channel networks, distribution networks and franchises.
At The Brooks The 5 Characteristics of a Qualified Prospect. Written by: Tracy Baumann. We recommend you build your lead qualification process around these five key characteristics: 1. Awareness of Need In order to be truly qualified, a prospect must have a need that they are aware of.
Sense of Urgency Your reps have a target to hit. Contact Us! Trust in You and Your Organization A potential client must trust your salesperson and your organization in order to be fully qualified.
Willingness to Listen The final characteristic of a qualified prospect is typically the easiest to recognize. Written By Tracy Baumann.