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Hate Paying Income Tax? Legal Disclaimers. The information provided on or through the Website is for general guidance and information purposes only and they do not in any manner indicate any assurance or opinion of any manner whatsoever. Any information may be prone to shortcomings, defects or inaccuracies due to technical reasons.
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The restoration facility in health insurance, as the name suggests, replenishes the sum assured after you have used the entire amount within a calendar year. Read on to know more about it.
The scheme is targeted at private sector employees. Read further to know about the scheme in detail. One of the most important factors that are taken into consideration by lenders when you apply for a loan is your CIBIL score. First Name Last Name. The thought "Why should I pay income tax? As taxes can eat up a considerable portion of your salary, it is prevalent for many people to believe that taxes are nothing but a burden.
But is it truly the case? Not really. Let us have a look at the importance of income tax in India- 1. Helps Build the Nation The cost of running an entire country, especially one that is as large and populated as ours, is humongous. It is through the taxes we pay that the government can perform civil operations.
In other words, without taxes, it would be impossible for the government to run the country. Income tax is one of the biggest sources of income for the Indian government. If people start thinking that income tax is a burden and avoid paying the same, it will directly impact the growth of our nation and also result in social collapse. Calculate Now.
Can you save more Tax? Plan here. Which of these Financial Solutions would you like advice on? Life Insurance. Health Insurance. If you find you can't pay what you owe, go ahead and file your return and pay what you can. Then work with the IRS, perhaps with the assistance of a tax professional, to formulate a plan for paying the balance of your tax bill over time. Internal Revenue Service. Accessed Sept. Individual Income Tax Return.
Individual Income Tax Return ," Page 1. Income Tax. Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for Investopedia. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page. These choices will be signaled globally to our partners and will not affect browsing data. We and our partners process data to: Actively scan device characteristics for identification.
I Accept Show Purposes. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Taxes Income Tax. Table of Contents Expand. Anticipate Late Fees and Penalties. The Bottom Line. Key Takeaways When you do not pay your taxes by the due date, you will start to accrue interest and penalties on the outstanding amount. As time goes on, you may be subject to liens on your property or garnishment of your wages.
In the most extreme tax evasion situations, you may even be subject to up to five years in jail. Be sure to file your tax return on time, even if you can't pay your tax liability at that time, to avoid additional failure-to-file penalties. In order to pay your tax bill on time, you could charge your liability to your credit card for a convenience fee or apply for a debt consolidation loan. You can also withdraw from your existing savings such as your emergency fund, a HELOC, or a retirement account.
Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.
We have to act like a responsible citizen. Why tax considered as burden and not a price we pay for civilisation :.
A tax payer in general feels that taxes are a burden and it is human tendency to avoid payment of tax or at least minimising the tax liability. In earlier years the tax rates were also exorbitant. Prior to Eighties, the rate of Income-tax was as much as But now the scenario is fast changing.
Though the tax rates have been lowered, but still our country lacks desired tax culture like developed nations. It is time tax is no longer considered as burden but a price for civilization. Despite considerable efforts for widening the tax base, still the number of taxpayers in our country, is about In contrast, in the U. There are many reasons for this. Part of it has to do with the fact that many Indians do not earn enough annual income to even qualify to pay income tax, but a larger factor has to do with lack of tax culture, as also India's huge rural and underground economies.
However, in contrast with the highest rate of